How does an Artist Residency Work?

How does an artist resident work? Is something you might be asking yourself if you have never been to an artist residency before. Artist residencies work by giving you uninterrupted time as an artist to make your art. So how does an artist residency work and where can you apply? What are the benefits of participating in an artist residency? I will let you know and share my experiences of the artist residencies I have been to below! 

I have been to two artist residencies

A paper making artist residency at the Women’s Studio Workshop - click to read more

And an artist residency at Vermont Studio Center -click to read more.

How does an artist residency work?

Each experience was different and you can read more about the individual experiences by clicking the links above. Generally, an artist residency is for 1 week - 12 weeks long (sometimes longer). Artist residencies are in a new place which is great inspiration especially if the place, landscape or the environment inspires your work like it does mine. Usually, your accommodation is covered in the residency, sometimes it’s a private or shared room. Usually the bathroom is shared with others but sometimes it’s not. Sometimes your meals are included and other times you have access to a kitchen where you can make your own meals. You can apply to residencies in places like Akimbo and ResArtis. Some residencies are paid where you pay to attend and other times you can win grants or scholarships to help reduce the cost or to be able to attend for free! Usually there is a time and price commitment to think about before applying. Only apply if you have the time and the money to go.

What are the benefits of an artist residency?

  • Private time to work no distractions

  • A new location to inspire your work

  • 24 access to a studio, tools and equipment

  • Space to hang and present your work

  • Other opportunities like presenting an artist talk or participating in an exhibition while you are there

  • A chance to network and meet other artists and arts professionals

  • Since usually you are paying to attend you are focused and produce a lot of work! 

Other types of artist residencies

Recently, with Covid-19 some residencies have moved online. Some have virtual meetings on Zoom to share your work and get feedback. Some residencies are transitioning to online exhibitions or galleries on their websites. There are different types of artist residencies including: writing, music, performative arts, drama, textiles, papermaking, painting and more! 

Jackie Partridge working at the Women’s Studio Workshop Artist Residency

How to Find the Perfect Artist Residency for you

  • Plan when you have time off to do it 

  • Plan a budget on how much you would like to spend or ways to fundraise/apply for grants

  • Make a list of places you would be interested in travelling to 

  • Search for opportunities based on your criteria 

  • Pick one that speaks to you and is best suited for the type of art you make 

Good luck with your applications. I am definitely interested in doing another artist residency soon! Check out some of the helpful links below! 

Related Articles

Read my interview about my residency here! 

Here is another great website to help you find the right artist residency for you!


How to get artist grants 

Vermont Studio Center Residency

Women’s Studio Workshop Residency

Be sure to follow me on social media by clicking on one of the icons below!

how does an artist residency work

How to use layers in a sketchbook

Learn how to use layers in a sketchbook by having the permission to make art in the sketchbook. Adding layers in a sketchbook is a great way to add texture and have fun testing and experimenting with new materials and techniques.  I have three ways for how to use layers in a sketchbook. Read more to discover how to use layers in a sketchbook. 

how to use layers in a sketchbook

Layer in Materials 

Start by pushing yourself to add layers of different media in your sketchbook. You can start with pencil then add pen, then marker, then water colour paint, then acrylic paint, then sharpie etc. Each layer you can challenge yourself to add a new medium.

pile of sketchbooks on the floor with layers in them

Layer in Textures

Begin to play and experiment with your sketchbook through the layers. You can add collage elements to bring in different textures. Here are some great collage elements to try:

  • Magazines

  • Fabric

  • Scrap paper 

  • Paper with writing or text like book pages or handwritten letters

  • Tissue paper 

  • Ribbon

  • Scrapbooking materials 

  • Stickers 

  • Buttons 

  • Anything that interests or speaks to you

Adjust your mindset 

Sketchbooks can have multiple purposes. You can plan out artwork and do a rough sketch, you can create a full artwork or a finished piece. Or you can use your sketchbook to create layers and to test and experiment with new supplies or techniques. You can give yourself permission to let go and to just have fun and play since a sketchbook is usually cheaper than watercolour paper or canvas. 

stack of sketchbooks

Tips for using your sketchbook more

  • Have it readily available in a place you see daily

  • Give yourself time in your schedule to sketch, doodle (make it part of your morning or evening routine)

  • Create a challenge where you are going to make a small artwork in your sketchbook either daily or weekly

Benefits of keeping a sketchbook

A sketchbook is a great place to test out new materials and techniques. It is a great tool to record ideas, inspiration and research. It can be used as a log to record what worked and what didn’t. Lastly, a sketchbook can be used as a test to create a mock up or mini work before committing to a larger or final piece. 

If you have enjoyed how to use layers in a sketchbook feel free to try any painting tutorials on YouTube or learn about some of my art resources on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Check out my drawing prompts for high school students. I have over 30 pages of drawing prompts, ideas, checklists and drawing practice pages that use the elements of design!

Click here to shop!

My Art Goals Examples 

Here are some tangible art goals examples to feel inspired when it comes to making your own art goals. You can change and adjust your art goals through out the year. You don’t need to wait for January 1st to make your art goals happen! Check out my art goals examples below! 

Jackie partridge outside in nature as her art goal example

My Art Goals Examples 

Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 3-4x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month), TikTok weekly 

Social media takes time. I recently started a tiktok - Jackie Partridge Art.  I would like to try paid ads this year 

Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

I have been getting more exhibitions and artist grants since I have been consistently applying to art application calls. 

Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

Once a month Gordie and I made it a habit of hiking, campinging or walking outside. I’ve taken lots of photos that I have shared on Instagram

Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income. I would like to match my current teaching income before the end of 2022. These are my current streams of revenue:

  1. Art grants/awards and artist fees

  2. Art workshops and coaching 

  3. Selling art teaching resources on Teachers Pay Teachers

  4. Selling my original art 

  5. Selling my cyanotype prints on Society6

you got this sign for your art goals

Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 5pm, no marking on the weekend. No working camps.

This past summer I worked the month of July at a day camp at my school. I was very intentional not to start working on school stuff until the end of August so that I could have a break from school. Make art during school breaks- I plan on not working at camps this year so that I have more time to focus on my art and business. 

Make art each month- I want to get back to making art each month. It is something that I put off like exercising. I want to be able to prioritize both. 

2022 Goals 

  • Exercise 2x a week

  • Match my teaching salary in my art income

  • Purchase a Home 

  • Have 5 exhibitions or publications 

  • Grow my mailing list by 500 people 

  • Grow my YouTube to 500 subscribers 

  • Have 200 products in my TPT store

Related Articles

6 Tips for Hitting Your Art Goals

5 Tips to Stay Motivated as an Artist 

5 Tips to Sleep Better as an Artist

If you found these art goals examples helpful please leave a comment below. Be sure to follow me on social media by clicking one of the icons below! 

How to Make Time for Art

How to make time for art is an ongoing question I ask myself. I’m sure other artists ask themselves how to make time for art and maybe you do too. I want to share my tips with you for how I have time to make art and how I find pockets of time in my busy schedule to get creative. Learn how to make time for art below!

how to make time for art

How to Make Time for Art- tip #1 

Track Your Time:

In order to have more time to make your artwork it is important that you understand how you spend your time. You can do this by tracking your time. Create an Excel sheet or grab a pen and some paper and start making note of how much time you spend on typical tasks. Once you have totalled how you spend your time you will be able to assess if there is any room for improvements that could give you more time to make art. 

For example, check your screen time usage on your smartphone. It is amazing to see that we spend hours (2-3) even more scrolling on our phone. Ask yourself how you can reduce it. Maybe set a timer. Check your email only once or twice a day, have an intention before going on social media so you avoid mindless scrolling. 

Another time waster is mindless tasks like folding laundry, or doing the dishes. I try to listen to a podcast or audiobook during this time or I give someone a phone call. 

A big culprit is watching TV. Again, it’s important to have an intention and limit your TV time. What could you be doing instead? Working out, painting, reading, making art?

How to Make Time for Art- tip #2 

Make a Plan

Now that you have tracked your time and have a better understanding of how you are spending your time you can begin to make a plan. Your goal is to make more time for your art. So ask yourself what can you give up or shorten the time to give you more time to make art.

You could agree to have a night with no TV and this day of the week could be a painting day. You could reduce your screen time by an hour a day. You could leave work earlier instead of staying late all of the time. You could wake up an hour earlier than normal. 

See how much time you can give yourself to make art. Start small with 30min. to an hour and see if you can add more time to make art later on.

How to make time for art by writing it down on paper

How to Make Time for Art- tip #3

Make a Habit 

If possible try to block off time in your online or paper planner to schedule yourself time to make art. When making art make sure to limit your distractions. Put your phone on airplane mode. Tell your loved ones this is your uninterrupted time and they should respect that if this is something you truly care about and value!

Bonus Tip:

Habits help to stick when they are goals. Make sure you are clear about why you want to make art and why it is important to you. Does it bring you joy? Is it stress relief? Once you have established why making art is important to you -you should continue to want to strive to make time for it. Realizing why art is important and giving myself art goals has helped me to stay motivated in making art. For me the process of making art calms me down and makes me feel more relaxed so I try to fit it into my schedule whenever possible. You can check out my article about tips for achieving your art related goals - here! 

There will be days or weeks that you don’t make art and that is okay. Give yourself some grace and know that you will make art again! You can read this post about tips for adding freshness to a stale art practice here! 

Need some accountability to make art for your portfolio application - try my art portfolio coaching so you can create an application that stands out and gets accepted without the stress and overwhelm!

Related Articles:

6 Tips for Hitting Your Art Goals

How to Add Freshness to a Stale Art Practice

How to Stay Motivated as an Artist 

Sleeping Tips for Artists

If you found these artist tips make sure to join my community in the box below! I send tips, exclusive painting tutorials and special bonuses to my members every two weeks! 

You Got this sign for how to make time for your art
how to make time for art

21 Books for Artists to Read

Here is a list of books for artists to read. These books for artists to read will help artists improve their art practice, artwork and art entrepreneur skills. Oftentimes, in art school you are taught how to make art but not the business side of things. You aren’t really taught how to market your art, price your art, create a mailing list, an Instagram page etc. These recommended books will help you expand your art business and take it to the next level! You will love these books for artists to read. These books are all books artists should read as they will help with your professional development as an artist!  

Money Mindset Books for Artists to Read

Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

You are a Badass at Making Money By Jen Sincero 

Real Artists Don’t Starve By Jeff Goins

Art Money & Success By Maria Trophy

books for artists to read

Productivity Books for Artists to Read

Chillpreneur By Denise Duffield-Thomas

Everything is Figureoutable By Marie Forleo

12 Week Year By Brian P. Moran 

Free to Focus By Michael Hyatt

Business Books for Artists to Read

The Artist’s Guide: How to Make a Living Doing What You Love By Jackie Battenfield

Art, Inc.: The Essential Guide for Building Your Career as an Artist By Lisa Congdon

Design as Art By Bruno Munari

Mind Your Business: A Workbook to Grow Your Creative Passion into a Full-time Gig By Ilana Griffo

How to Build Your Art Business with Limited Time or Energy By Corinna Thurston

Art-Write: The Writing Guide for Visual Artists By Vicki Krohn Amorose

How to Sell Your Art Online By Cory Huff

Don’t Panic: A Legal Guide ( In Plain English) For Small Businesses & Creative Professionals By Art Neill & Terri Karobonik

Steal like an Artist By Austin Kleon

Show Your Work By Austin Kleon

Keep Going By Austin Kleon

Find Your Artistic Voice By Lisa Congdon

The Business of Being an Artist by Daniel Grant

If you are thinking of applying to art school or an arts-based program -click here to download my FREE guide of 10 Tips to Create an Art Portfolio that Stands Out!

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Patched Ebook

Tips for Pricing Your Art

6 Tips for Hitting Your Goal as an Artist

As I come across new books to read I will add these to this blog post. Have you read any of these artist books? Let me know in the comments! Or if you have any book recommendations be sure to comment below or send me a DM on Instagram @jackiepartridge_ 

books artists should read

What it’s Like to Be Vermont Studio Center Alumni

Being a Vermont Studio Center Alumni is a part of joining an online community. I attended the Vermont Studio Center art residency in Johnson, Vermont in November, 2017. I stayed at the artist residency for two weeks. I follow them on instagram and I am a part of a private Facebook group similar to the Women’s Studio Workshop residency -which you can read about here! Vermont Studio Center Alumni have been recognized for tons of achievements as the Vermont Studio Center is a top residency known globally.

Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont

Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont

Although I am grateful for the experience at Vermont Studio Center and to be a Vermont Studio Center Alumni I don’t think I would go back to this artist residency. As an artist, I like to travel to new places to see how place impacts my work. Vermont Studio Center is a more pricey artist residency as the fee does include your food. Since I am a paper maker the Vermont Studio Center is less appealing as they do not have a paper making studio.

For anyone who has not been or is needing a quiet space to work I would recommend this residency as I was very productive and got a lot done. Everyone is friendly and there are options to sing karaoke or enjoy a campfire while you are there too! 

While I was there, I worked on some projects for my thesis exhibition that happened in February, 2018 at Concordia University. I had a large studio with a window and a couple of tables. I worked on pieces that later became projects in my exhibition including:

What I Worked on at Vermont Studio Center

Piled Up installation tested out at the Vermont Studio Center

Piled Up installation tested out at the Vermont Studio Center

While being at the Vermont Studio Center residency I worked on altering books for my project What is and What Was. I used the leftover cut-outs to make Piled Up. I tested out the installation for Piled Up on a shelf that was in my studio. I later built a shelf for my exhibition display in my thesis show at Concordia University. 

With my series Patched that is still an ongoing series I arranged photographs of Patched into patched quilt formations. After the residency, I sewed them on my sewing machine. I worked with plaster casts of leaves during my Vermont Studio Center residency. I took advantage of the beautiful scenery in Vermont (it is very easy to be inspired) and I took more photos for my series Patched. 

I enjoyed having a lot of wall space so that I could test out Precariously Perched. In this piece I balance twisted thin strands of maps on straight pins and nails. You can see more of Precariously Perched here! 

Accommodations at Vermont Studio Center

I stayed in a room by myself and had a shared bathroom. There was a few other people living in the house I was staying at. I had a separate key to my bedroom so I felt very secure while living there. At the residency all of your meals are provided in the dining hall. The food is really good and there are a lot of options. All of the food is made by the chef. Having your meals provided is nice during an artist residency because then you don’t lose time cooking, getting groceries or doing dishes and you can have more time devoted to making art. 

Again, I don’t think I would go back to this artist residency although I am grateful for the experience at Vermont Studio Center and to be a Vermont Studio Center Alumni. Experiencing new places to make art is important for me and having access to materials like a paper making studio is also extremely important.

Winter view out my studio window at the Vermont Studio Center

Winter view out my studio window at the Vermont Studio Center

With that being said Vermont Studio Center is a great relaxing and quiet place to work. The beauty of Vermont is incredible and I had such a productive two weeks! 

Patched installation I worked at while at the Vermont Studio Center

Patched installation I worked at while at the Vermont Studio Center

Patched installation for my thesis exhibition at Concordia University inspired by being at the Vermont Studio Center

Patched installation for my thesis exhibition at Concordia University inspired by being at the Vermont Studio Center

How to Become a Vermont Studio Center Alumni

Here is more information about how to apply to Vermont Studio Center so you can become a Vermont Studio Center Alumni - one day too! 

Precariously Perched installation tested out at the Vermont Studio Center

Precariously Perched installation tested out at the Vermont Studio Center

Related Articles 

Women’s Studio Workshop -artist residency

If you are mom you can check out this motherhood residency: 

Here is another great website to help you find the right artist residency for you!


Stay connected with me by following along on social media -click on one of the icons below!

Precariously Perched installation part of my thesis exhibition at Concordia University inspired by my work at Vermont Studio Center

Precariously Perched installation part of my thesis exhibition at Concordia University inspired by my work at Vermont Studio Center

Trusting Your Gut Feeling

Trusting your gut feeling when it comes to making art can be difficult. I get that you don’t have time and there are other things on your to-do list. As an artist trusting your gut is an important step in the art making process. Without following your intuition you might not be making enough art or the best art. You have to trust your gut and listen to your art intuition. 

If your art intuition is telling you to try something to add a different colour, to try a new technique, to make something- you should follow that. Just like any other form of intuition like a red flag warning sign in a bad relationship your art intuition usually isn’t wrong. If the art you are making looks off or doesn’t feel right make sure you are trusting your gut feeling. 

For awhile and I mean awhile, I have struggled with finding time to paint and make art. When I was living in Montreal doing my MFA it was easy because I had multiple studio spaces and designated time to make art. I was only working part-time and my main job was being a great art student.

Fast forward a few years, I had a mountain of student loans and was working multiple jobs to pay off the debt quickly. I didn’t have time to make art and was feeling tired, frustrated and unhappy.

Now, my student loans are paid and although I am teaching full-time I have been making more art. 


Trust your gut when you are playing with new materials like this clay!

Trust your gut when you are playing with new materials like this clay!

I started to make art a priority and stopped saying, “I’ll make art when I have time.” Or, “When I have finished my to-do list.” 

I have realized that if you don’t make time for your priorities or what you value most that you won’t magically gain more time later.

There might not ever be a great time to do something.

I’ve made it my goal to make art everyday. Even if it’s something small or just for 10 minutes. I have been doing this for two weeks now and recording the days that I have made art and how I feel versus the days that I haven’t.

I have seen a HUGE difference in how I feel! I have more energy in my day because I have prioritized doing something that makes me happy and provides stress relief. 


I encourage you to do the same. Start making time for you and what you enjoy most! 

How to Trust Your Gut as an artist. Desktop of supplies to organize yourself as an artist

How Trusting Your Gut Feeling in Art Can Be Helpful

  • You will make better art 

  • You will be making art you are passionate about and not listening to other outside forces like society, family, or the art world pressure

  • You will feel happier and more proud of your art

  • You will want to make art more and naturally feel like you have more time to make it 

  • You will feel in align that you are doing what is right

  • You will feel more confident in your art and naturally in yourself

Desk space to organize yourself as an artist to trust your gut

How to Trust Your Gut in Your Art

  • Start making it a habit - part of a morning or evening ritual to make art 

  • Schedule a time to make art daily/weekly

  • Record in a journal how making art makes you feel and on days when you don’t make art how you feel 

  • Try rewarding yourself to establish your art making goals

  • Lay out your art supplies so they are visible and ready to be used

  • Write art goals and give yourself deadlines for what you are making

  • Set reminders/alarms on your phone for when to make art 

  • Remove distractions that might prevent you from making art like leaving your phone in another room or putting it on airplane mode

Trust your gut in design choices like flower arranging this vase

Once you start making art consistently by blocking out time to make art you will be trusting your gut feeling while you are making art.

Part of my goals that I made in January were related to wanting to make more art.

Here are the goals I made in January-let’s review them and see how I did: 

I have written in italics how I have been doing on these goals in the last 6 months.

Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 1-2x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month)

I have posted consistently to instagram usually about 4-5x a week, I have done 2-3 posts on Facebook per week, emailed my list 2x a month and YouTube. I have been blogging 4x a month. 

Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

I have been applying to 2-4 exhibitions or art calls a month. I have gotten a couple of new art exhibitions and grants this year!

Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

I try to walk every day and plan a hike on the weekend. Although this doesn’t always happen I feel a lot better when it does. 

Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income.

Artist hands covered in clay. Artist tips by Jackie Partridge on trusting your gut with new art techniques

I started a Teachers Pay Teachers store a couple of months ago to help add consistent art income. I am continuing to grow my business.

Keep my website updated monthly- I like reviewing my website at the end of each month to make sure everything is current.

I usually update my website every couple of months and I know I can get better at this.

Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 7pm, no marking on the weekend.

I have done really well with this goal which has helped me to have more time to make art.

Make art during school breaks- Teaching full time has made me really miss having time to make my art.  

I have been doing this and recently started to make art everyday even if it is something small like a quick sketch or taking a photo.

Related Articles You Might Love:

You can read more about the 6 tips for achieving your goals here!

How to stay motivated as an artist

You might enjoy adding freshness to a stale art practice

Biggest secret for a struggling artist

Trusting your gut feeling will really make a difference with your art and in your life. I have found that when I make art more often I feel happier and when I am listening to my intuition and making the art I want to make I am also happier.

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10 Skills You Need to Become a Better Artist

10 skills you need to become a better artist - here they are -ready for you to put them into action! As an artist you are constantly balancing producing art and running a business. There are a lot of skills you need to be a successful artist. Here are my list of 10 skills to become a better artist below!

Jackie Partridge

Skill #1 Confidence 

It is easy to think that everything has been done before, that you will never “make it” as an artist and that you are just wasting your time and money. You might even feel like you are not qualified enough or that you shouldn’t even apply to an exhibition because you probably won’t get in. It’s important to have confidence and faith in your artwork and in yourself as an artist. If you aren’t confident you will not want to put your art out there. You will not want to share it and you won’t receive art opportunities or money for your art.

Skill# 2 Time Management 

You need to be able to balance your time with making art and completing admin tasks like updating your website and social media, answering emails, updating photos, buying supplies, applying to artist calls and more. If you aren’t making art then you are not enjoying the reason why you wanted to become an artist in the first place. It is also hard to grow as an artist if you aren’t making any new work!

Skill #3 Patience 

I don’t think it’s possible to wake up one morning and all of a sudden you’re a famous artist and making money without having to do anything. It takes time and it takes work to happen!  Artists face a lot of rejections and disappointments in the art world. Just remember that your time will come! 

10 Skills You Need to Become a Better Artist - pin this image to save it for later!

10 Skills You Need to Become a Better Artist - pin this image to save it for later!

Skill #4 Consistency 

In order to be good at anything it takes consistency. Consistent applications, social media posts, art making, etc. If you aren’t putting in the time and the consistent effort it will take longer to become a successful artist! 

Skill# 5 Ongoing Learning 

I am a teacher and I love learning. You can learn through YouTube (check out my painting channel), through books, courses and more. Brush up on learning new art techniques or business strategies to make your art business more successful! 

Skill# 6 Risk Taking 

You have to be able to fail and to learn from it. Try new materials, take a chance and step outside of your comfort zone. If you always do the same thing you can become stuck or bored and that’s not good either.

Skill #7 Writing and Communication

You have to be able to talk and write about your art. When you apply for grants or exhibitions often you need to write about your art clearly and concisely. When talking to people it could always lead into a networking opportunity further down the line. It’s important to know what to say when speaking about your art and share it proudly.

Skill #8 Money Mindset 

This relates to confidence but if you have issues with money it will be hard to make money as an artist. If you believe in the starving artist narrative then good luck trying to make consistent sales with your art! You need to start believing that you can make money with your art and that you can make as much as you want! 

Stack of books to have ongoing learning as an artist to improve your skills as an artist

Skill #9 Creativity 

You need creative ideas to be able to make something exciting and something that stands out. In the world of social media going viral can help your art. But if you are making art that looks like everyone else’s you won’t stand out. Be creative and do something different that is unique to you! 

Skill #10 Marketing and Business Strategy

In order to make sales you need to share what you are doing. You need to have a plan if you are launching a new piece of art or an art collection. You can’t just post about it once. It’s good to learn more about marketing and business if you are new to it! 

The Biggest Secret for a Struggling Artist

The biggest secret for a struggling artist is more common than your think! Being an artist is a difficult job. It's a journey and very much a marathon.

There are a lot of barriers to becoming a successful artist like; self doubt, your ego talking, imposter syndrome just to name a few. I’ll share the biggest secret for a struggling artist below! Read on!

Before you read on...I think some perspective is needed.

Image from Styled Stock Society

Images from Styled Stock Society

It is important to define what success looks like for you.  This is the BIGGEST secret for a struggling artist.

Do you want a new exhibition every week or one a month? Do you want an art sale every day or are you fine to have a couple a month or a year just as extra income?

Only you know what success means to you. Because it’s different for everyone! In order to stop feeling like a struggling artist you really need to define what success is going to look like for you! 

Here is my letter to the struggling artist  - you could even try writing a letter to yourself - it might be helpful.

Dear Struggling Artist,

I know things are hard right now. And you may be beating yourself up. Wondering when is it going to be your big break? When can you finally pursue your art full-time?

And your time will come.

You might be scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram and thinking wow, they have a TON of followers. They must have a TON of sales! They are so lucky! I wish I could have that… I wish it was easier for me..

And your time will come.

You might spend your days daydreaming or hoping that things might turn around. 

And your time will come.

struggling artist hands

But in this stage you are in now, just know that it is not permanent. It can and it will get better. If you give up now you’re abandoning your passion, your true calling, your talent and gifts for the world to see. I know this has been a big dream for you for a while now. Trust your gut and follow your own path. Don’t follow someone’s else’s path or their definition of success. What’s the point of that really?

I want you to become crystal clear about what you want...

I want for you to have the life of your dreams.

Deep down, only you really know what that looks like... So take a moment and write it ALL down. 

Start dreaming your biggest goals and wildest dreams (even the ones that scare you or the ones you are doubting will come true). Pursue them anyways and pursue them especially

What do you want more of in your life? What do you want less of?

Start Brainstorming now! Take out that old journal or sketchbook...seriously.


Every Struggling Artist

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Why I became an artist

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Let me know if this exercise was helpful for you - message me on social media so we can connect more. I would love to hear from you!

You Got This - it will get easier!

You Got This - it will get easier!

How to Stay Motivated as an Artist (5 Tips)

How to stay motivated as an artist is a question I get asked all the time! Here are my 5 tips for how you can stay motivated as an artist. This is what works best for me! It is normal to go through periods during your career as an artist where you feel unmotivated. Maybe you even feel unsuccessful and wonder when things will change. You might even feel overwhelmed and feel like you don’t know where to begin. That’s why I have put together a list of five tips to help you so that you don’t have to give up on your dreams as an artist!

Check out my 5 tips below!

How to Stay Motivated as an Artist

1. Don't compare your art to others

It is easy to compare yourself to other artists and question why did they get that exhibition and not me?

Why did they win the prize? Why did they receive the grant? Why did they get the residency? Why not me? Is my art not good enough? Did I not work hard enough?

Comparing yourself to other artists let alone other people in general can be a dangerous rabbit hole to enter. It’s important to work on your mindset and recognize that there is enough room for lots of people to be successful artists.

How you can stay motivated as an artist. Artist Tips from Jackie Partridge

That's why I like to stay in my own lane:

I try not to compare myself to other artists to look at their CVs. If I happen to witness a friend or colleague from school win or mention something - I am genuinely happy for them- everyone has a unique art practice. We all make different things that are about different topics. And that's truly great!

Staying in my lane helps me focus on my own practice and not waste time thinking about other people’s practice or entering comparison fatigue.


2. Keep track of deadlines For Your Art Goals

I keep track of my artist deadlines by looking at art deadline websites like Akimbo. I check websites like this daily or every other day. If I see a deadline that I am excited about I will take a screenshot of it and write it down in my agenda later. If there are a lot of deadlines in a certain month I will write them in order of when they are due in a list format on a sheet of paper. This helps me see which ones are due first and focus on that but also look ahead to be able to focus on deadlines that I am most excited about.


Jackie Partridge’s Paint and palette

3. Make Art goals or deadlines to get things done

I have a goal to apply for 7 applications every month. This goal allows me to be focused and hold myself accountable. Not every deadline takes a lot of time. Sometimes it's as simple as submitting some photos and a copy of my artist statement. Deadlines naturally give myself something to work towards so that I can stay productive.


4. Review your goals and create systems to stay organized

It's one thing to make a goal and it is another to keep them. It is important to review your goals and hold yourself accountable when you don't meet them. Reviewing your goals helps to really prioritize what is important. You can read more about my goal setting process in this blog post.

I also stay focused by creating systems that make it easier when I apply to deadlines-like saving files in PDF, saving different versions of files like a CV that is 2 and 3 pages and saving photos in both 300dpi and 72dpi.

Tips for staying motivated as an artist by Jackie partridge

5. Find ways to stay inspired - do what works for you

It's important to listen to your body and if you need a rest- take it. There is no sense beating yourself up about it. If you don't feel like applying to something then think about something that you can do to still be productive or that could save you time when applying to things in the future.



Remember to take care of yourself and support other artists. It's a difficult job but at the end of the day it's what you love to do so it's worth the days where you need to rest- you need that break and you just feel completely unmotivated. Remember that the feeling is temporary and that it will soon pass. Here is a blog post with tips if you are feeling uninspired!

Would you like to improve your acrylic painting?

Download my FREE Guide with the 10 Mistakes Beginner Painters Make and How to Avoid Them!

Why I Became an Artist...

Why I became an artist…..I became an artist because I always loved creating things but more importantly I found art gave me freedom. Freedom to express myself - thoughts, ideas, interests and perspective on larger topics like the environment. And of course, freedom to do what I love. I like doing something I love each day and I feel so lucky to be given that opportunity.

Teacher's college was something I did because I knew I loved helping people from volunteering teaching figure skating to spending my summers working at camps. Art teaching, both in the classroom, my Teachers Pay Teachers store where I sell art teaching resources and on YouTube has been a way for me to combine both of my passions of teaching and art.

Teaching allows me to bring in a consistent income and it allows me to focus on my art and not have to worry about money but instead make the art that I want to make. 

Jackie Partridge

There are a lot of stereotypes about artists not making money. As an artist I want to break those stereotypes and prove that I can make consistent money on my art alone.

There are many different paths an artist can take and I like being in charge of that and choosing what applications or opportunities I want to take. Not every opportunity or decision is going to be the best for me or my art.  There is a lot of possibility in store for me and that is exciting! I enjoy being able to teach art in the classroom and online through my YouTube channel.

I have found with consistent work and effort it has been easier to make money as an artist and I know it will get easier and easier in the future. I continue to create more established systems like templates and ways to automate which will save me time and allow me to truly focus on art making.

There are many roles an artist takes on including being a writer, photographer, advertiser, marketer, promoter, teacher etc. I enjoy all the different roles of an artist and being able to do different things each day whether it is making art, writing blog posts, editing photos, updating my website, planning my Instagram posts or applying to art exhibitions. Read the 8 reasons of why I love art here!

With all the areas of my art business to focus on - I need to constantly remind myself that I must continue to make art and apply for opportunities to show my art and reach new people. 

I am lucky to be able to do what I love each day and get paid for it! 

acrylic paint palette


Each day is different, challenging and exciting!

If you would like to support my art practice - You can check out my art for sale here!


If you're an artist I would like to know more about why you became an artist and what you love about it. Let me know on social media so we can continue this conversation! Just click the buttons below ⬇️

why I became an artist

6 Tips for Hitting Your Art Goals

6 tips for hitting your art goals this year! This year you can make your goals come true! How did you do sticking to the goals you made last year? Do you even remember them? Here are some tips about sticking to your goals, so you don’t lose track of them this year! 

I love planning, making lists and achieving my goals. It does take work though..

Here is a list of my 6 tips to help you hit your art goals this year!


# 1 Sticking to Your Goals - check on them

In order to keep my goals I need to review them and to check in on them.

I plan my goals near the end of December a year in advance and I review my goals every four months to adjust them accordingly.

Each month, I check on my monthly goals and put a check mark beside the completed ones. I have a new agenda this year that has a section for goals at the start of each month which really helps! If you don't have this you can always set up reminders on your phone, write on a calendar or create to-do/goals lists.

It's important to check on a goal's progress because if you have many goals you can easily forget.

Pro Tip: If you are working on a larger goal you can break it into smaller chunks that are easier to manage!


#2 Your Goals Aren't Permanent!

Life happens... Before you know it you meet your goal or you decide the timing isn't right. You are allowed to change your mind - because they are your goals! I like to give myself some grace and I'm not hard on myself when I am no longer aiming for a goal. I'm still figuring out what kind of artist I want to become and what I want my life to look like in the future.

artist practicing her painting with a palette knife


#3 You Need to be Invested and Know Why

You have to want your goals- and not believe you should make them because what society is telling you. Part of sticking to goals is figuring out why you want them in the first place. This drive keeps you motivated. So, if you don't know why you want something, think deeper or even try journalling.

A goal needs intention behind it. It helps when a goal has clarity too because it will be something that you can easily visualize.


#4 Does Your Goal Inspire You and Excite You?

Like Marie Kondo says "does it spark joy" if it does, it's something you will treasure something you will continue to work on. If it doesn't you won't - it's that simple! The more excited you are, the more urgency there is to finish it.

A goal should be exciting but still believable to you.

woman writing down her artist goals

#5 Give Yourself Deadlines for Your Art Goals

I was always an achiever in school and I've found to still be successful out of school it helps to have deadlines. Give yourself a realistic time frame while keeping yourself challenged and accountable! Sometimes, I will make a firm deadline with myself like "If you don't finish this by the end of the day then you can't ..."

The nice thing about applying to different art calls and grants is that they have deadlines associated with them. These deadlines can really help you stay organized.


#6 Reward Yourself for Meeting Your Goals - Make the Process Fun!

Some goals are going to take longer to complete because they require more work and they are bigger goals. I find it helpful to remember to enjoy the journey (although I struggle with this). Don't be afraid to celebrate milestones or to reward yourself with something you want. If the process of goal setting isn't enjoyable you aren't going to be excited about it and it will be harder to stick to your goals.


list to record your art goals this year

Here are my art goals for 2021

Now that I am teaching full time I have to consider what goals are realistic for me and my schedule:

  1. Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 1-2x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month)

  2. Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

  3. Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

  4. Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income.

  5. Keep my website updated monthly- I like reviewing my website at the end of each month to make sure everything is current.

  6. Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 7pm, no marking on the weekend.

  7. Make art during school breaks- Teaching full time has made me really miss having time to make my art.  

6 Tips for achieving your goals. Woman working at a desk

Your Art Goals Might Be…

Working on an Art Portfolio

Check out this post on how to prepare an art portfolio for college or university!

Starting a YouTube Channel for Your Art

Check mine out here for acrylic painting!

Improving Your Acrylic Painting

If one of your goals is getting better at acrylic painting - I can help with that! Download my FREE guide where I show you the 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how you can avoid them!

How To Add Freshness to a Stale Art Practice -Artist Tips

Want to know how to add freshness to a stale art practice? I will explain how. I know it can be difficult to make time for your art practice but it should be your top priority. Of course there are times where you won’t feel inspired like if you are sick or busy with other things. As an artist, I have found myself sometimes getting into ruts with my creativity. There are days, weeks and months where I don’t feel driven to make new art or I’m just too busy to be creative. Here’s how you can add some freshness to your art practice!

Does this sound familiar?

I have been busy lately planning an online art class that I am currently teaching for a private school. I have used my spare time to take on creative projects which has helped me to take care of my mental health. When you have taken a long break from your art practice it is easy to forget how beneficial art is in terms of being therapeutic, how it makes you feel and why you fell in love with it in the first place! I’ve made it a goal to try to make art or do something creative each day…

Bonus Tip: learn a new skill like ceramics to stay inspired to make art. Playing with clay and tools to try something new!

Bonus Tip: learn a new skill like ceramics to stay inspired to make art. Playing with clay and tools to try something new!

It’s important to add freshness to a stale art practice to help keep you inspired and making art more consistently! I have added 7 tips for you to try to feel creative again!

Here are some fun ways to get back to a creative process that might have been previously on hold:

  • Get involved in a creative challenge or start your own— searching on Pinterest for creative art challenges is a good way to get inspiration. You can start your own based on your art practice. For example, if you are a quilter you could plan on making a certain number of quilts in a timeframe or if you’re a painter- plan on painting a small 8″x10″ painting everyday. Challenges work as fun goals to complete but they also act as a piece of accountability. Creative challenges can also be a good way to create social media content by updating your audience on what you are working on. As a creative it can be good to work on a series and challenges can help you to develop your own artistic style.  I send an exclusive painting tutorial to my mailing list every season - if you would like to receive that - enter your email at the bottom of this post!

  • Look at application deadlines as motivation— I love looking on websites like Akimbo  -websites like this provide artists with deadlines of submission calls for exhibitions and awards. These deadlines, I find hold me accountable and I write them down in my agenda and apply when I have time.

  • Reach out if someone wants a commission or make artwork for a friend or family member’s gift—This can be a good idea to make a little extra money or to have a project to work on. Sometimes, I find I just need a project to keep me busy. Making a gift for someone or a commission  gives me a due date to stick to. You can read more about my commission process here!

  • Make a board on Pinterest for art inspiration or future project ideas— Pinterest is an amazing resource and I love pinning an idea that inspires me to try something similar with my own flair later on.  Check out my Pinterest boards here! 

  • Take a look at your art supplies—reach for something new and experiment and play. Let yourself create without pressure - follow your intuition and do what’s fun! Also this might be a good time to head to the art supply store and pick up something new you have been dying to try! Take a look at my list of my favourite painting supplies here!

Bonus tip: turn to other passions like these plants or gardening to feel inspired again!

Bonus tip: turn to other passions like these plants or gardening to feel inspired again!

  • Experiment and Learn It’s so easy to learn new art techniques and there are so many free and incredible options out there! You can look on YouTube, invest in a course, or head to your local library.

I invite you to check out my YouTube channel all about acrylic painting for beginners. Learn to paint landscapes, flowers, new techniques and more! Simple options that are easy enough for kids to do too are also available!

Click the Image to Pin it for Later!

Click the Image to Pin it for Later!


Remind yourself why you love art and why it is so good for you. Does it calm you down, make you relaxed, is it fun or the highlight of the day? If yes, make sure you schedule time. Block off time on your calendar. Create a pop-up reminder on your phone. That way there’s less excuses and “more time” to be creative.

I have also found scheduling art to remove distractions like turning my cellphone on airplane mode to be helpful. Or make sure you studio/art space is clean and ready the night before. Even having a playlist of your favourite songs will get you pumped and ready to create.

I hope you can feel creative soon! I know how frustrating the feeling of not wanting to create can be.

For more tips and to receive an exclusive painting tutorial each season - sign up to join my mailing list below!

I challenge you to make something now - even if it is a simple doodle on a scrap piece of paper it is a step in the right direction!

Follow me on Pinterest for more ideas and resources!

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How to Stay Motivated as an artist - 5 Tips!

Want to Have a Piece of Art Commissioned By Me?

Want to have a piece of art commissioned by me? Read on to learn more about the process of getting a piece of art commissioned. As an artist I have been doing art commissions for friends, family and even people I don't know that well for several years.


Creating a successful art commission can be a lengthy process but I have come up with a list of tips to create a faster and more positive process for both the artist and the client. I have 7 things to consider if you are wanting to get an art commission done and 7 things for an artist to consider when offering art commissions.


As a client getting a piece of art commissioned

  • Communicate what you want - be clear and specific if you have a vision in mind

  • Trust your gut-if you don't feel comfortable with anything -then don't go ahead with it

  • Ask for a price estimate if it is not provided to you

  • Figure out the size of the work you want

  • Figure out where you will put that piece of art -this can help determine the dimensions and also the style or colours you like - It is helpful for the artist to see a photograph of your space and know what you like (everyone has their own unique design style)

  • Send inspiration  -whether it's a photograph, colour swatches or a sample of fabric for the curtains that will hang next to the artwork - anything is helpful

  • Make sure you have done your research- Do you like the artist's work?

As an artist commissioning a piece of art I…

  • Give a price estimate that includes the size of the work, materials used, any custom finishes that are requested and possible shipping charges

  • Give an estimated deadline of when the piece will be finished-I take on 6 projects a year usually you will have a commission within 2 months -unless specified by yourself

  • Communicate clearly and ask questions- we will have a meeting or exchange emails to make sure you are happy with the end result

  • Create a sketch or mock up during the consultation process - see my ideas before committing - I will send you progress pictures if requested!

  • I will ask for photos of the work hanging in your space

  • I will send you a contract that explains payment and delivery of the artwork


Interested in Having a Piece of Art Commissioned By Me?

I am an artist based out of Waterloo Region, ON Canada- if you are interested in getting a piece of original art made please fill out the form below. I do art commissions for paper making and acrylic painting. My paintings range in price from $50 (5”x 7”)- $1000 + depending on the size. Handmade paper can be made as 5”x7” or 8”x10” and is anywhere from $25-100 per artwork. Shipping for large paintings over 20 inches will be paid by the customer and all other shipping in Canada and the US under 20 inches will be paid by myself. Please note I only take 6 commission projects per year. If I am full I will put you on my waitlist and I will email you with an estimated time when I can start your commission. I currently have 4 spots for year!

Get Ideas for Art Commissions for Me to Do

Check out my art shop for ideas of handmade paper art

Take a look at my YouTube for ideas of paintings

Fill out the form below to get in touch!

Think about the size of the art you would like and where you would like to hang it. Looking forward to working with you and filling an empty frame!

Think about the size of the art you would like and where you would like to hang it. Looking forward to working with you and filling an empty frame!