6 Tips for Hitting Your Art Goals

6 tips for hitting your art goals this year! This year you can make your goals come true! How did you do sticking to the goals you made last year? Do you even remember them? Here are some tips about sticking to your goals, so you don’t lose track of them this year! 

I love planning, making lists and achieving my goals. It does take work though..

Here is a list of my 6 tips to help you hit your art goals this year!


# 1 Sticking to Your Goals - check on them

In order to keep my goals I need to review them and to check in on them.

I plan my goals near the end of December a year in advance and I review my goals every four months to adjust them accordingly.

Each month, I check on my monthly goals and put a check mark beside the completed ones. I have a new agenda this year that has a section for goals at the start of each month which really helps! If you don't have this you can always set up reminders on your phone, write on a calendar or create to-do/goals lists.

It's important to check on a goal's progress because if you have many goals you can easily forget.

Pro Tip: If you are working on a larger goal you can break it into smaller chunks that are easier to manage!


#2 Your Goals Aren't Permanent!

Life happens... Before you know it you meet your goal or you decide the timing isn't right. You are allowed to change your mind - because they are your goals! I like to give myself some grace and I'm not hard on myself when I am no longer aiming for a goal. I'm still figuring out what kind of artist I want to become and what I want my life to look like in the future.

artist practicing her painting with a palette knife


#3 You Need to be Invested and Know Why

You have to want your goals- and not believe you should make them because what society is telling you. Part of sticking to goals is figuring out why you want them in the first place. This drive keeps you motivated. So, if you don't know why you want something, think deeper or even try journalling.

A goal needs intention behind it. It helps when a goal has clarity too because it will be something that you can easily visualize.


#4 Does Your Goal Inspire You and Excite You?

Like Marie Kondo says "does it spark joy" if it does, it's something you will treasure something you will continue to work on. If it doesn't you won't - it's that simple! The more excited you are, the more urgency there is to finish it.

A goal should be exciting but still believable to you.

woman writing down her artist goals

#5 Give Yourself Deadlines for Your Art Goals

I was always an achiever in school and I've found to still be successful out of school it helps to have deadlines. Give yourself a realistic time frame while keeping yourself challenged and accountable! Sometimes, I will make a firm deadline with myself like "If you don't finish this by the end of the day then you can't ..."

The nice thing about applying to different art calls and grants is that they have deadlines associated with them. These deadlines can really help you stay organized.


#6 Reward Yourself for Meeting Your Goals - Make the Process Fun!

Some goals are going to take longer to complete because they require more work and they are bigger goals. I find it helpful to remember to enjoy the journey (although I struggle with this). Don't be afraid to celebrate milestones or to reward yourself with something you want. If the process of goal setting isn't enjoyable you aren't going to be excited about it and it will be harder to stick to your goals.


list to record your art goals this year

Here are my art goals for 2021

Now that I am teaching full time I have to consider what goals are realistic for me and my schedule:

  1. Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 1-2x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month)

  2. Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

  3. Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

  4. Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income.

  5. Keep my website updated monthly- I like reviewing my website at the end of each month to make sure everything is current.

  6. Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 7pm, no marking on the weekend.

  7. Make art during school breaks- Teaching full time has made me really miss having time to make my art.  

6 Tips for achieving your goals. Woman working at a desk

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