10 Skills You Need to Become a Better Artist

10 skills you need to become a better artist - here they are -ready for you to put them into action! As an artist you are constantly balancing producing art and running a business. There are a lot of skills you need to be a successful artist. Here are my list of 10 skills to become a better artist below!

Jackie Partridge

Skill #1 Confidence 

It is easy to think that everything has been done before, that you will never “make it” as an artist and that you are just wasting your time and money. You might even feel like you are not qualified enough or that you shouldn’t even apply to an exhibition because you probably won’t get in. It’s important to have confidence and faith in your artwork and in yourself as an artist. If you aren’t confident you will not want to put your art out there. You will not want to share it and you won’t receive art opportunities or money for your art.

Skill# 2 Time Management 

You need to be able to balance your time with making art and completing admin tasks like updating your website and social media, answering emails, updating photos, buying supplies, applying to artist calls and more. If you aren’t making art then you are not enjoying the reason why you wanted to become an artist in the first place. It is also hard to grow as an artist if you aren’t making any new work!

Skill #3 Patience 

I don’t think it’s possible to wake up one morning and all of a sudden you’re a famous artist and making money without having to do anything. It takes time and it takes work to happen!  Artists face a lot of rejections and disappointments in the art world. Just remember that your time will come! 

10 Skills You Need to Become a Better Artist - pin this image to save it for later!

10 Skills You Need to Become a Better Artist - pin this image to save it for later!

Skill #4 Consistency 

In order to be good at anything it takes consistency. Consistent applications, social media posts, art making, etc. If you aren’t putting in the time and the consistent effort it will take longer to become a successful artist! 

Skill# 5 Ongoing Learning 

I am a teacher and I love learning. You can learn through YouTube (check out my painting channel), through books, courses and more. Brush up on learning new art techniques or business strategies to make your art business more successful! 

Skill# 6 Risk Taking 

You have to be able to fail and to learn from it. Try new materials, take a chance and step outside of your comfort zone. If you always do the same thing you can become stuck or bored and that’s not good either.

Skill #7 Writing and Communication

You have to be able to talk and write about your art. When you apply for grants or exhibitions often you need to write about your art clearly and concisely. When talking to people it could always lead into a networking opportunity further down the line. It’s important to know what to say when speaking about your art and share it proudly.

Skill #8 Money Mindset 

This relates to confidence but if you have issues with money it will be hard to make money as an artist. If you believe in the starving artist narrative then good luck trying to make consistent sales with your art! You need to start believing that you can make money with your art and that you can make as much as you want! 

Stack of books to have ongoing learning as an artist to improve your skills as an artist

Skill #9 Creativity 

You need creative ideas to be able to make something exciting and something that stands out. In the world of social media going viral can help your art. But if you are making art that looks like everyone else’s you won’t stand out. Be creative and do something different that is unique to you! 

Skill #10 Marketing and Business Strategy

In order to make sales you need to share what you are doing. You need to have a plan if you are launching a new piece of art or an art collection. You can’t just post about it once. It’s good to learn more about marketing and business if you are new to it! 

How to Get Better at Acrylic Painting

How to get better at acrylic painting is a question I get asked all the time! I want to help you and share some of my tips! Ever wondered how you to get better at acrylic painting? You want to improve but are unsure where to begin and what acrylic painting tips to follow?

Learn from artist Jackie Partridge for how you can improve your acrylic painting fast with these acrylic painting tips!

I am a certified teacher and artist with my Master of Fine Arts. I have noticed common mistakes that beginner acrylic painters to make and want to help you so that you can avoid them! I want to help you improve your acrylic painting and transition you from a beginner painter to a more confident painter!

How to Get Better at Acrylic Painting

Mistake #1 -They use the paint straight out of the tube

By mixing your colours and not using them straight from the tube not only can you show off your colour mixing skills but you can create stronger paintings that have more detail, more colour, more variety and are more interesting.

In a painting, it is good to avoid having large solid areas of a plain flat colour especially if you are wanting a more realistic style or to capture something like a landscape. Think about a small patch of grass -there is more than one shade of green. There is light green with green+white, bright green with green+yellow, dull green with green+red, dark green with green+black and even blue green with green+blue. Make sure you practice and experiment with your colour mixing. Read this blog post on colour mixing!

Mistake #2 -They don’t vary their brushstrokes or types of brushes

Just like practicing colour mixing it is important to practice different brushstrokes. In a painting you can use a different brushstroke in a different area. For example you might want a smooth brush stroke in a sky and a textured brushstroke in the grass or leaves. Check out my YouTube channel for tips!

Although you don’t need a ton of brushes it is good to have options. I recommend starting with 1-2 small detail round brushes for fine details, a 1-2 inch flat brush for the painting large areas like backgrounds and a medium round brush size #6 for painting medium sized areas like tree branches and shading. These are the main brushes I use in my painting and they are great brushes to start with. As you continue painting you can add extra brushes to your collection to experiment with.

Mistake #3 -They buy a ton of supplies they won’t end up using

You don’t actually need a lot of art supplies to get started painting with acrylics. Read this blog post for a list I recommend you to use to get started. By purchasing only what you need, you will be able to save money and not have extra supplies sitting around waiting to be used!

10 Tips to Help You Become a Better Painter - click the image to download now!

10 Tips to Help You Become a Better Painter - click the image to download now!

If you like these tips I have created a FREE 12 page guide for you to download - that includes a list of 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how to avoid them! I share a lot of great acrylic painting tips with you in this guide!

You can also check out my YouTube channel - where you can see helpful step by step painting tutorials for beginner painters! Subscribe to my channel here!

Helpful Blog Posts

Read this blog post to help with landscape painting

Read this to help with still life painting!

Learn how to paint better clouds

Try painting coaching to improve your skills quickly!

click the image to download this free guide!

click the image to download this free guide!