The Biggest Secret for a Struggling Artist

The biggest secret for a struggling artist is more common than your think! Being an artist is a difficult job. It's a journey and very much a marathon.

There are a lot of barriers to becoming a successful artist like; self doubt, your ego talking, imposter syndrome just to name a few. I’ll share the biggest secret for a struggling artist below! Read on!

Before you read on...I think some perspective is needed.

Image from Styled Stock Society

Images from Styled Stock Society

It is important to define what success looks like for you.  This is the BIGGEST secret for a struggling artist.

Do you want a new exhibition every week or one a month? Do you want an art sale every day or are you fine to have a couple a month or a year just as extra income?

Only you know what success means to you. Because it’s different for everyone! In order to stop feeling like a struggling artist you really need to define what success is going to look like for you! 

Here is my letter to the struggling artist  - you could even try writing a letter to yourself - it might be helpful.

Dear Struggling Artist,

I know things are hard right now. And you may be beating yourself up. Wondering when is it going to be your big break? When can you finally pursue your art full-time?

And your time will come.

You might be scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram and thinking wow, they have a TON of followers. They must have a TON of sales! They are so lucky! I wish I could have that… I wish it was easier for me..

And your time will come.

You might spend your days daydreaming or hoping that things might turn around. 

And your time will come.

struggling artist hands

But in this stage you are in now, just know that it is not permanent. It can and it will get better. If you give up now you’re abandoning your passion, your true calling, your talent and gifts for the world to see. I know this has been a big dream for you for a while now. Trust your gut and follow your own path. Don’t follow someone’s else’s path or their definition of success. What’s the point of that really?

I want you to become crystal clear about what you want...

I want for you to have the life of your dreams.

Deep down, only you really know what that looks like... So take a moment and write it ALL down. 

Start dreaming your biggest goals and wildest dreams (even the ones that scare you or the ones you are doubting will come true). Pursue them anyways and pursue them especially

What do you want more of in your life? What do you want less of?

Start Brainstorming now! Take out that old journal or sketchbook...seriously.


Every Struggling Artist

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Let me know if this exercise was helpful for you - message me on social media so we can connect more. I would love to hear from you!

You Got This - it will get easier!

You Got This - it will get easier!