How to use layers in a sketchbook

Learn how to use layers in a sketchbook by having the permission to make art in the sketchbook. Adding layers in a sketchbook is a great way to add texture and have fun testing and experimenting with new materials and techniques.  I have three ways for how to use layers in a sketchbook. Read more to discover how to use layers in a sketchbook. 

how to use layers in a sketchbook

Layer in Materials 

Start by pushing yourself to add layers of different media in your sketchbook. You can start with pencil then add pen, then marker, then water colour paint, then acrylic paint, then sharpie etc. Each layer you can challenge yourself to add a new medium.

pile of sketchbooks on the floor with layers in them

Layer in Textures

Begin to play and experiment with your sketchbook through the layers. You can add collage elements to bring in different textures. Here are some great collage elements to try:

  • Magazines

  • Fabric

  • Scrap paper 

  • Paper with writing or text like book pages or handwritten letters

  • Tissue paper 

  • Ribbon

  • Scrapbooking materials 

  • Stickers 

  • Buttons 

  • Anything that interests or speaks to you

Adjust your mindset 

Sketchbooks can have multiple purposes. You can plan out artwork and do a rough sketch, you can create a full artwork or a finished piece. Or you can use your sketchbook to create layers and to test and experiment with new supplies or techniques. You can give yourself permission to let go and to just have fun and play since a sketchbook is usually cheaper than watercolour paper or canvas. 

stack of sketchbooks

Tips for using your sketchbook more

  • Have it readily available in a place you see daily

  • Give yourself time in your schedule to sketch, doodle (make it part of your morning or evening routine)

  • Create a challenge where you are going to make a small artwork in your sketchbook either daily or weekly

Benefits of keeping a sketchbook

A sketchbook is a great place to test out new materials and techniques. It is a great tool to record ideas, inspiration and research. It can be used as a log to record what worked and what didn’t. Lastly, a sketchbook can be used as a test to create a mock up or mini work before committing to a larger or final piece. 

If you have enjoyed how to use layers in a sketchbook feel free to try any painting tutorials on YouTube or learn about some of my art resources on Teachers Pay Teachers.

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