Canada Artist Grant 

I received a Canada artist grant with th Ontario Arts Council last year and worked on a project that Canada artist grant. I was awarded a grant of $2000 for emerging artists to learn a new skill or for professional development including the purchase of new art supplies. You can learn more about this Canada artist grant in this post!

Canada artist grant/OAC artist grant proposal

For my Canada artist grant I chose to focus on papermaking in my application. I proposed learning how to make paper out of plants and learning how to use the letterpress machine. I wanted to letterpress some of my Patched poems on handmade pieces of map paper I made. I also proposed to purchase some mould and deckles to help me with papermaking some abaca and cotton pulp, a vat and other paper making supplies. 

Canada artist grant/OAC artist grant 

I chose to work with a local paper making company the Papertrail to be able to learn about paper making easier. The Papertrail is based out of New Dundee, Ontario. That’s also where I attended workshops, completed my letterpress poetry project and ordered my papermaking supplies. 

I attended 5 paper making workshops in total with the grant money. A basic beginner paper making workshop, two workshops on making paper with plants and two on using the letterpress. 

Canada artist grant

About the Paper making Workshops 

The Beginner Papermaking Workshop 

This workshop took place in August of 2022 and in this workshop I learned basic skills and refined my paper making skills. We also learned how to use pigments in paper and got to experiment with the sheets of paper we made. 

Letterpress Workshop #1 

I did this workshop in November, during this workshop I learned how to use the letterpress and the history of the letterpress. I also did some test prints of some text with the letterpress. 

canada artist grant with paper making

Paper Making with Plants Workshop

This workshop was a two day back to back workshop in December. In these workshops I learned how to make paper from plants. I made paper from the stems and pods of milkweed as well as from flax. I got to use their hollander beater and beat the pulp by hand. 

Letterpress Workshop #2 

This workshop happened in December. I got to complete my Patched poem project and letterpress 5 different poems I wrote onto handmade map paper. 

All of these workshops were full day workshops. I am grateful for the Canada artist grant with OAC and being able to develop my paper making skills as an artist as well as being able to complete a project and purchase new paper making supplies.  

You can purchase my book Patched that has more poems here!

Related Articles:

How to make paper out of denim

Microgrant with cyanotypes

OAC grants

Patched Book

Concordia University mfa 

I completed my Concordia University mfa in 2018. I really enjoyed the Concordia University Fine Arts program in Montreal. Read more to see what the program was like. If you would like to learn more about preparing an art application for college or university - click here.

Concordia University mfa 

The Concordia University MFA program I was in was the Fibres and Material Practices Program. I was there from September 2015- to February 2018. On average, it is a 3 year Master of Fine Arts Program with the first two years having classes and critiques to present your artwork and the final year you build your end of year exhibition and write your thesis paper about your art and research. 

concordia university mfa

Concordia University mfa - Montreal

Montreal is the second largest city in Canada. It is a large city with French culture. Oftentimes, it feels like you are in another country. There are lots of great restaurants, art galleries and architecture. I loved spending time in Old Montreal and seeing the architecture there. 


Montreal -image from Unsplash

Concordia University mfa -Where to live 

I lived near the university as I didn’t want to take the subway (metro) or commute. I wanted to be able to walk to school and not rely on transportation. We lived in a rented apartment, a 3 ½, meaning it had one bedroom, a small kitchen and living room and a small bathroom. Our building backed onto Mont Royal Parc, a large green space. We spent a lot of time in the park and it led me to starting my work Patched. 

Concordia University mfa -about the program.

I had about 7 other people in my year of my program. It was nice because we all became close friends. I worked as a teaching assistant to learn about making paper. I also worked as a tutor as well for extra income. I loved the professors at the school and really learned a lot. The Concordia University MFA program is a strong and notable program. In the first and second year you are given a studio space on campus and in the final year you can find your own studio space. I chose to use my living room to save money. 

Overall, I loved my time at Concordia University mfa program. I am so happy with my decision to go there. It was a great time with lots of wonderful memories. 

Click here to download my FREE guide for making an art portfolio for school

Related Articles:

Art Portfolio - how to make one for College/University

How to get an artist grant

Click here to download my FREE guide for making an art portfolio for school
Art portfolio coaching -make an art portfolio that stands out!

Click one of the icons to follow me on social media and stay connected!

Patched Exhibition

For the month of March and April 2022 I will be displaying my work Patched at the Kitchener Public Library in their gallery on the lower floor. This will be a two-person exhibition along with another artist on the opposing wall. 

I will be displaying 20 framed Patched installations and some of my nature inspired poems. 

Patched is an ongoing series of photographs where map paper (made from maps of places I have been to) is embedded into trees where the bark naturally peels away as an act of offering or mending.

Could the landscape be an archive remembering every mark and every trace set upon it? Will my footprints still be here when I am no longer? For how long will the traces of me stay on the surface of the earth?

featuring two separate exploratory photography exhibits with accompanying poetry by artists Annette Dekker & Jackie Partridge

In celebration of Poetry Month:  April 2022 

Hello Shadow 

Artist: Annette Dekker 

Enraged by Shadow’s relentless stalking 

The woman behind the camera 



captures the prowler – live, 

smirking at her    strutting 

on a seabed of bleached eelgrass . . . 


Annette Dekker is currently in private practice as a psychotherapist. She is fascinated by the capacity of people to heal and to explore their inner worlds.  Annette finds joy in photography and writing and sometimes uses these mediums to better understand herself.  She surprised herself when the outcome of such exploration became an exhibition. She shares this work in the hope that it inspires others to become acquainted with their own Shadows.    




Artist: Jackie Partridge 


I feel for places.  

We walk all over them.  

We stomp on them. 

We forget about them.  

Rarely do we visit. 

And when we do – 

We drop by unannounced.  

Coming from a small town and family heritage of farming, Jackie Partridge has visually seen the land developing over time. She has seen and felt both the impacts of climate change and urbanization within her community.  

As a mixed media artist, she is interested in expressing the rural landscape in an abstract and poetic way through drawings and installations. 

Patched is an ongoing series of photographs where map paper (made from maps of places she has been) is embedded into trees where the bark naturally peels away as an act of offering or mending. 

She asks, ‘Could the landscape be an archive remembering every mark and every trace set upon it? Will my footprints still be here when I am no longer? For how long will the traces of me stay on the surface of the earth?’ 


The Kitchener Public Library is located 85 Queen Street North

Kitchener ON N2H 2H1

Phone: 519-743-0271

The Patched exhibition is on til the end of April, 2022. If you have a chance to see it please share photos on social media by tagging me @jackiepartridge_ or use the #patchedproject. 

Purchase my book Patched here -that contains poetry and photographs.

Related Articles


Patched Book

Patched Ebook

Patched Video

Follow me on social media to stay connected about future art exhibitions and news by clicking on one of the icons below! 

All About the Women’s Studio Workshop in NY

In March 2018, I attended the Women's Studio Workshop Residency in NY. (The small town of Rosendale to be exact).  I stayed for 5 weeks at the Women’s Studio Workshop. I got to experience part of the winter and part of the spring at the Women’s Studio Workshop. The Women’s Studio Workshop in NY was founded in 1974. I was in the paper making studio at the Women’s Studio Workshop in NY.

Coming from a small town, I really enjoyed the small community of Rosendale. I felt very safe and welcomed while at the residency, in town or on the Rail Trail nearby.  Read more to figure out if attending the Women’s Studio Workshop in NY as your next artist residency is right for you!

About Women’s Studio Workshop in NY

Women’s Studio Workshop in NY was founded in 1974 by Ann Kalmbach, Tatana Kellner, Anita Wetzel, and Barbara Leoff Burge. Their goals were to develop a studio workspace for artists to create new work and collaborate. Programs were centered on the artistic process. The first studios were in a two-story single-family home. Etching was in the living room, paper making was in the attic, and screen printing was in the basement.

This passage is from their website - To read more- click here

The Rail Trail at the Women’s Studio Workshop

I was working in the paper making studio while I was there. I really enjoyed hiking in the area, especially on the Rail Trail. While on the Rail Trail I did numerous Patched installations using my handmade map paper. The Rail Trail is very close to the residency and is a great source of inspiration to artists there including myself! 

Patched is an ongoing installation since 2017 by artist Jackie Partridge that uses handmade map paper pulp on trees where the bark has naturally peeled away.

Patched is an ongoing installation since 2017 by artist Jackie Partridge that uses handmade map paper pulp on trees where the bark has naturally peeled away.

At the Women’s Studio Workshop residency when I was there I made a lot of paper working with maps and blue jeans. I took advantage of the hollander beater and worked on my piece Sediment. You can learn more about the project here! 

I got to try the vacuum table for the first time which was very exciting for my practice. I worked on creating large sheets of map paper on the vacuum table which I used in my Patched video. See the installation of this large sheet of handmade map paper below:

Highlights of the Women’s Studio Workshop in NY

I loved the Women’s Studio Workshop because the staff are very helpful and kind whether it is showing you how to use equipment or giving you a ride into to town to get groceries. I liked how every lunch we had a potluck so we could really get to know one another.

What I Love About Artist Residencies

I am always highly focused and productive while on an artist residency. It is nice to be in a new place and see how that relationship directly impacts my work. Since my work is directly related to the land and environment there is always new inspiration, ideas, and projects when I am in a new place. This is always exciting for me! Residencies give you time, space and materials to explore and practice with. New ideas always form when I am away from home!

What I Did at the Women’s Studio Workshop in NY

  • I had an opportunity to present my art in an artist talk while I was there to people at the residency and locals in the Rosendale area

  • I submitted a piece of art I made as part of their alumni collection

  • I met other artists and learned new techniques like the vacuum table

  • I explored the local scene and enjoyed the Rail Trail 

Patched installation made on the Rail Trail at the Women’s Studio Workshop in NY

Patched installation made on the Rail Trail at the Women’s Studio Workshop in NY

Accommodations at the Women’s Studio Workshop

I stayed with another person and we shared a bathroom and kitchen but had separate bedrooms. Bedding was included. Kitchen utensils and equipment were included. The price for the residency is highly affordable and their are options for grants from the residency or to apply for funding externally. 

I would definitely go back to this artist residency again! 

How You Can Go to the Women’s Studio Workshop in NY

Check out their calendar on dates of when you can apply to their upcoming programs and classes!

I would highly recommend this residency to all the artists out there!

Related Articles

 Read about my artist profile on their webpage

Read my interview about my residency here!

Learn about the Patched Project Here!

Purchase my Patched Book -here!

Learn about the Women’s Studio Workshop Here!

Here is another great website to help you find the right artist residency for you!

Read about my artist residency at the Vermont Studio Center!

Connect with me on social media by clicking on one of the icons below!

Patched by Jackie Partridge

Patched by Jackie Partridge has been an ongoing installation and photography project since 2017 where map paper (made from maps of places I have been to) is embedded into trees where the bark naturally peels away as an act of offering or mending.

Watch the Patched Installation

Patched by Jackie Partridge, map paper on a tree art installation

I have done these installations in various places I have lived and travelled including:

  • Rosendale, New York

  • Johnson, Vermont

  • Waterloo Region

  • Kinmount

  • Huntsville

  • Gravenhurst 

Recent Patched Installations

Patched is installed in Regency Park in Waterloo, ON for the month of July, 2021.

You can see more about this project funded by the City of Waterloo and Create Waterloo - here!

With this funding I also created free seed starter kits - you can see the instructions for the kits- here.

Here is a photo from the installation:

Patched, Jackie Partridge, handmade map paper on tree

In 2018, I was awarded a grant from the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund to create my book Patched which included nature poems about trees and my series of Patched as coloured photographs.

You can purchase Patched by Jackie Partridge - by clicking on the product or heading to my shop!

In the summer of 2019, I created a large-scale installation of Patched on a tree on my grandmother’s property in Kinmount, ON.

Patched by Jackie Partridge Video of Installation (Sped Up):

I created a large sheet of map paper on a vacuum table that sucks out the water from the pulp on my artist residency in 2018 and the Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, New York. I then used a spray bottle of water to dampen the paper and turn it back into to pulp to apply it onto the tree.

To see more from the project click here!

Connect with me on social media by clicking one of the icons below! 

On my instagram @jackiepartridge_ I share photos from this series that can be found searching the hashtag #patchedproject.

Patched, Jackie Partridge, outdoor photography art installation

Printmaking Today -Article Feature for Patched

Patched is a project by Jackie Partridge that has been an ongoing photography series since 2018. My work Patched is ongoing and features nature photography and paper making. I have patched trees in a variety of places that I have lived and spent time in such as; Waterloo Region, Montreal, New York, Vermont, Kinmount, Bracebridge, Huntsville and more. Where I add map paper pulp onto trees where the bark has naturally peeled away. I see the act of patching trees as a form of mending the tree in a poetic way. The work is meditative and calming as I spent lots of time hiking and being in the forests. Forest Bathing is an act of surrounding yourself with nature and being present with the moment. 

Recently my work Patched was featured in Printmaking Today. Chrystal Cherniwchan wrote a beautiful write up about my work Patched. Check it out below!

Poetic Mending Article with a picture of Patched, handmade map paper embedded on a tree

Let’s Connect

You can see more of my work from the series Patched here! Patched is an ongoing series of photography which I update on my instagram @jackiepartridge_  

you can search the hashtag #patchedproject to see more from this series on Instagram.

Patched Books

You can purchase a hardcover copy of the book Patched that was published in 2018 in my shop. The books are supported by the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund grant I was awarded in 2018. The books are 38 pages and contain a mixture of poems inspired by nature and trees as well as coloured photos of Patched and the process. There is also a PDF Ebook version of Patched available in my shop.

Patched Exhibitions

Connect with me on social media to learn about upcoming exhibitions for Patched - and search the #patchedproject hashtag on Instagram to see more of the project!  Click one of the icons below to follow me on social media!

Patched Ebook

Patched Ebook is a digital version of Jackie Partridge Patched Book. Patched was published in 2018 with the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund. It is a book of 38 pages- a collection of images colour printed of trees around Waterloo Region that have been altered by adding map paper pulp in areas where the bark has naturally peeled away.

In addition to the photographs in my book- there are a series of nature appreciation poems. I began completing this ongoing series of photography during my Master of Fine Arts at Concordia University while I was in the Fibres and Material Practices Program. I was living in Montreal and visited a nearby park often as it reminded me of home. Being in nature and walking in the woods was very meditative and calming for me. I began to really notice the trees and how the bark naturally peeled away exposing them. Since I was interested in paper making I started to add map paper pulp of recycled maps of places I have been onto the trees where the bark was naturally gone and saw this as a poetic form of mending or an offering back to the tree. 

 At the back of the book I have included information about my art process. To see more about this Patched series - click here!

Patched installation using handmade map paper by Jackie Partridge

Patched installation using handmade map paper by Jackie Partridge

I sell my published hard cover book for $50. And I sell my ebook for $9.99. The Ebook is a digital PDF version of my hardcover book.

Head to this link to see my hardcover book!

Take a Look at my Ebook here!

Check out my Instagram by clicking the icon below and search the #patchedproject to see photos from this series!

Friends and Lovers: Group Exhibition at Button Factory Arts, 2020

Friends and Lovers Group Exhibition at Button Factory Arts in Waterloo, ON

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