Canada Artist Grant 

I received a Canada artist grant with th Ontario Arts Council last year and worked on a project that Canada artist grant. I was awarded a grant of $2000 for emerging artists to learn a new skill or for professional development including the purchase of new art supplies. You can learn more about this Canada artist grant in this post!

Canada artist grant/OAC artist grant proposal

For my Canada artist grant I chose to focus on papermaking in my application. I proposed learning how to make paper out of plants and learning how to use the letterpress machine. I wanted to letterpress some of my Patched poems on handmade pieces of map paper I made. I also proposed to purchase some mould and deckles to help me with papermaking some abaca and cotton pulp, a vat and other paper making supplies. 

Canada artist grant/OAC artist grant 

I chose to work with a local paper making company the Papertrail to be able to learn about paper making easier. The Papertrail is based out of New Dundee, Ontario. That’s also where I attended workshops, completed my letterpress poetry project and ordered my papermaking supplies. 

I attended 5 paper making workshops in total with the grant money. A basic beginner paper making workshop, two workshops on making paper with plants and two on using the letterpress. 

Canada artist grant

About the Paper making Workshops 

The Beginner Papermaking Workshop 

This workshop took place in August of 2022 and in this workshop I learned basic skills and refined my paper making skills. We also learned how to use pigments in paper and got to experiment with the sheets of paper we made. 

Letterpress Workshop #1 

I did this workshop in November, during this workshop I learned how to use the letterpress and the history of the letterpress. I also did some test prints of some text with the letterpress. 

canada artist grant with paper making

Paper Making with Plants Workshop

This workshop was a two day back to back workshop in December. In these workshops I learned how to make paper from plants. I made paper from the stems and pods of milkweed as well as from flax. I got to use their hollander beater and beat the pulp by hand. 

Letterpress Workshop #2 

This workshop happened in December. I got to complete my Patched poem project and letterpress 5 different poems I wrote onto handmade map paper. 

All of these workshops were full day workshops. I am grateful for the Canada artist grant with OAC and being able to develop my paper making skills as an artist as well as being able to complete a project and purchase new paper making supplies.  

You can purchase my book Patched that has more poems here!

Related Articles:

How to make paper out of denim

Microgrant with cyanotypes

OAC grants

Patched Book

2022 Year in Review

2022 is coming to end and it is time to look back and reflect on the year. Here is my 2022 year in review for my art! A lot has happened this year and I want to share it with you. This is a great time for you to reflect on your favourite memories of 2022 too! 

My Art Goals for 2022

Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 3-4x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month), TikTok weekly 

Social media takes time. I recently started a tiktok - Jackie Partridge Art.  I would like to try paid ads this year.

I decided to switch to posting to YouTube once a month this year as it is a ton of work and I am working full time as a teacher. I am still starting with tiktok -you can find me on -Jackie Partridge Art. I would like to do more next year.

Update: I did pretty well with this. Lots of life changes prevented me from posting as consistent as I would have liked to.

Excited to announce we are expecting our first child in May 2023!

2022 year in review Jackie Partridge

Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

I have been getting more exhibitions and artist grants since I have been consistently applying to art application calls.

I did well at applying to exhibitions and art calls and usually applied to 4 or so per month. As a result I had a lot more exhibitions this year! 

I had a few big exhibitions this year and a couple of grants from Pat the Dog Theatre Company and Ontario Arts Council.

Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

Once a month Gordie and I made it a habit of hiking, campinging or walking outside. I’ve taken lots of photos that I have shared on Instagram

We didn’t go outside hiking or camping as much as I wanted to but when we did we had a lot of fun. 

Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income. I would like to match my current teaching income before the end of 2022. These are my current streams of revenue:

  • Art grants/awards and artist fees

  • Art workshops and coaching 

  • Selling art teaching resources on Teachers Pay Teachers

  • Selling my original art 

  • Selling my cyanotype prints on Society6


I did a lot better at making consistent sales with my art. I still have a ways to go but I am getting there and enjoying the journey! 

My sales on my Teachers Pay Teachers have really improved. I did two holiday art markets that were successful and sold more art online this year!

Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 5pm, no marking on the weekend. No working camps.

This past summer I worked the month of July at a day camp at my school. I was very intentional not to start working on school stuff until the end of August so that I could have a break from school. Make art during school breaks- I plan on not working at camps this year so that I have more time to focus on my art and business. 

I did well not working at camps this year which gave me more time to work on my art and I’m so happy with the progress I have made! I also did well not working on school stuff outside of school hours.

Make art each month- I want to get back to making art each month. It is something that I put off like exercising. I want to be able to prioritize both.  - I have done better at this!

2022 Goals 

  • Exercise 2x a week - rough in the winter but got better in the spring and for the rest of the year 

  • Match my teaching salary in my art income

  • Purchase a Home 

  • ✅Have 5 exhibitions or publications - Kitchener Public Library two person exhibition, Cambridge Art Gallery Show.21, Art Comp in London, ON, Forest Spaces- Contact Photo Festival in Toronto, Moving Forward, Three Sisters Cultural Centre, St. Jacob’s, ON, INPRINT Exhibition, Button Factory Arts, Waterloo, ON.

  • Grow my mailing list by 500 people 

  • Grow my YouTube to 500 subscribers 

  • Have 200 products in my TPT store  - this was a hard goal - I later changed it to 100 because that was more realistic - haha ✅

2022 Year in Review 

Overall, 2022 was a great year. I worked as a teacher teaching my grade 5s who I had in Grade 4 and then I had some of them in my grade 4,5,6 class. I learned a lot about Montessori education from work. I took business courses and read a lot of business books.

Thank you so much for following on this journey. I appreciate you being here and supporting me along the way.

Here Are Some FREE Ways To Support Me (If You Aren’t Doing Them Already)

Lastly, I would appreciate it if you like something I post to like, comment or share to help me to reach more people! 

Related Articles:

Shop Fine Art 

Shop Botanical Prints 

Art Goals for 2022

OAC Grants

Early this year I was given one of the OAC grants for emerging artists. This OAC grant is a $2000 grant that gives funding to purchase art supplies and to participate in educational skill development. 

I started applying for OAC grants this past fall and I was excited to have received one. OAC stands for Ontario Arts Council. The OAC grants are a lengthy process to set up an account and submit your application online but they are worth it. 

By receiving OAC grants or other grants, artists can receive funding to make projects possible. $2000 is a lot of money and I am grateful to have received this grant as this project would not be financially possible without it. 

There are many different OAC grants available. You can learn more by clicking here!

It’s important to note that OAC grants are only for residents in Ontario. However, depending on where you live, the province or state, try Googling grants with your location to find other grants to apply to. 

handmade map paper part of oac grants

OAC Grants- the OAC Grant Proposal

I will be using the money from the OAC grant to purchase paper making supplies including different types of pulp, mould and deckles and other paper making supplies. I will also be registering for some paper making and letterpress classes to be able to enhance my skills as a paper maker. Lastly, I will use some of the money to rent out a paper making studio place near where I live. I have until 2023 to complete this project. I started purchasing supplies and signing up for workshops this summer of 2022. 

I plan on making sheets of map paper using recycled maps and using the letter press to write some of my poems on the paper. I also want to make more large sheets of the map paper to be able to do large installations of my work Patched. You can read more about the Patched project here! 

Jackie Partridge Patched Project

Jackie Partridge, Patched Project

If you are interested in applying to OAC grants you can click here to check their deadlines. 

I appreciate the financial support of OAC grants for funding my art practice! 

To find out more about the project check out my instagram @jackiepartridge_    and search the #patchedproject

Related Articles: 

10 Lessons I Learned in Art School

How to Get an Artist Grant

OAC Website 

OAC Grant Deadlines 

Patched Project