Fields -Mirror Installation by Jackie Partridge

Fields is made from colourful sewn thread and flax handmade paper. It measures 18’x 3.5.’ I made this work in 2015 while completing my MFA at Concordia university in Montreal, QC. 

I created this artwork by sewing on a dissolvable fabric and layering different colours of thread. Sometimes, I would have a different colour in the bobbin and a different colour in the tread. I sewed in a back and forth manner to resemble the repetitive motion of planting and harvesting crops in fields. After sewing, I dissolved the fabric and took the pieces to the paper making studio where I squeezed flax pulp through a tube in patches of the sewing. Once I was done applying the pulp I put the artwork through the paper press to squeeze out excess water as part of the paper making process. Then I let the artwork dry flat; it took about 24 hours to dry. There are about 10 separate panels of this artwork in total. 

The pieces of this art installation are quite delicate and fragile. I suspended them with thread that tied onto the individual pieces. 

Usually this installation is hung against the wall but in this installation from 2017, I got to hang this textile artwork in front of the mirror. I loved how the thread was reflected and looked like a long continuous line drawing. When the artwork hangs against the wall it does create some really beautiful shadows.I would love to add to this piece and make it larger in the future. 

You can see the original installation of this piece - here!

Jackie Partridge and Fields thread with handmade paper installation
Detail of Fields installation

Detail of Fields installation

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A Needle in a Haystack - Textile Art Installation by Jackie Partridge

A Needle in a Haystack by Jackie Partridge

wall piece: 4.5'x 4 floor piece 3.3'x 3', found fabric, sewing, 2015-2016

Braided strips of found fabric create an abstracted hay bale referencing the traditional rag rug. The two hay bales are attached together with a long braid like umbilical cord connecting generations.  This textile artwork was created by Jackie Partridge in 2015-2016 while I was completing my MFA at Concordia University.

This artwork is inspired by my family heritage of farming and my matriarchal line. Both of my grandparents were farmers and my mom’s parents owned a family century owned farm.

Growing up, I had 8 grandmothers including great-grandmothers and great-great grandmothers. My matriarchal line was very skilled in sewing, embroidery, knitting and crochet which really inspired me to pursue textile art and study it during my MFA.

This is a piece of past artwork from the archive. To see my current artwork - click here!

Jackie Partridge art installation with sewn fabric fibre art
Jackie Partridge  Art, A Needle in a Haystack textile sewn fabric art installation
Needle in a haystack sewn textile art by Jackie Partridge

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