Winter YouTube Painting Lessons Recap

Practice your acrylic painting for beginners. In my free youtube painting lessons learn my acrylic painting tips and tricks. See step by step painting tutorials to improve your acrylic painting! Learn from artist Jackie Partridge and see acrylic painting tutorials from my YouTube -Jackie Partridge Art channel!

Here is the Winter YouTube Painting Lessons Recap. These are some beginner acrylic painting videos you might have missed from January and February 2021 on my YouTube channel - Jackie Partridge Art. Click the links below to check them out and be sure to subscribe to my channel to see new painting tutorials!

Check the the videos from part one in November and December here!

Reduce the Mess Painting With Kids

Learn how to paint with kids and reduce the mess while painting with children. Learn about aprons and how to avoid the mess in your clean house!

Watch How to Reduce the Mess Painting with Kids- HERE

Video Length: 5 min. 18 sec.

Learn to Paint with Stencils. Jackie Partridge shares all the tips

Painting with Stencils (Helpful Tips)

Ever wondered how to paint with stencils? In this video I will show you the technique of painting with stencils and share all of my helpful tips with you!

Watch Painting with Stencils (Helpful Tips)- HERE

Video Length: 15 min. 16 sec.

Stencil painting tutorial of a moon by Jackie Partridge

Love You to the Moon and Back Stencil Painting

Learn how to paint a full moon, stars and the night sky with the stencil Love You to the Moon and Back. In this Love You to the Moon and Back Stencil painting tutorial.

Watch Love You to the Moon and Back Stencil Painting- HERE

Video Length: 18 min. 32 sec.

Tips for painting snow by Jackie Partridge

5 Tips for Painting Snow

Learn how to paint snow in this video! I will show you five tips for painting snow. (It’s more than adding white paint!)

Watch 5 Tips for Painting Snow- HERE

Video Length: 14 min. 25 sec.

Wanting to Improve your acrylic painting? I show you the 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how you can avoid them! Download the FREE 16 page guide by clicking the button below!

How to Get Better at Acrylic Painting

How to get better at acrylic painting is a question I get asked all the time! I want to help you and share some of my tips! Ever wondered how you to get better at acrylic painting? You want to improve but are unsure where to begin and what acrylic painting tips to follow?

Learn from artist Jackie Partridge for how you can improve your acrylic painting fast with these acrylic painting tips!

I am a certified teacher and artist with my Master of Fine Arts. I have noticed common mistakes that beginner acrylic painters to make and want to help you so that you can avoid them! I want to help you improve your acrylic painting and transition you from a beginner painter to a more confident painter!

How to Get Better at Acrylic Painting

Mistake #1 -They use the paint straight out of the tube

By mixing your colours and not using them straight from the tube not only can you show off your colour mixing skills but you can create stronger paintings that have more detail, more colour, more variety and are more interesting.

In a painting, it is good to avoid having large solid areas of a plain flat colour especially if you are wanting a more realistic style or to capture something like a landscape. Think about a small patch of grass -there is more than one shade of green. There is light green with green+white, bright green with green+yellow, dull green with green+red, dark green with green+black and even blue green with green+blue. Make sure you practice and experiment with your colour mixing. Read this blog post on colour mixing!

Mistake #2 -They don’t vary their brushstrokes or types of brushes

Just like practicing colour mixing it is important to practice different brushstrokes. In a painting you can use a different brushstroke in a different area. For example you might want a smooth brush stroke in a sky and a textured brushstroke in the grass or leaves. Check out my YouTube channel for tips!

Although you don’t need a ton of brushes it is good to have options. I recommend starting with 1-2 small detail round brushes for fine details, a 1-2 inch flat brush for the painting large areas like backgrounds and a medium round brush size #6 for painting medium sized areas like tree branches and shading. These are the main brushes I use in my painting and they are great brushes to start with. As you continue painting you can add extra brushes to your collection to experiment with.

Mistake #3 -They buy a ton of supplies they won’t end up using

You don’t actually need a lot of art supplies to get started painting with acrylics. Read this blog post for a list I recommend you to use to get started. By purchasing only what you need, you will be able to save money and not have extra supplies sitting around waiting to be used!

10 Tips to Help You Become a Better Painter - click the image to download now!

10 Tips to Help You Become a Better Painter - click the image to download now!

If you like these tips I have created a FREE 12 page guide for you to download - that includes a list of 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how to avoid them! I share a lot of great acrylic painting tips with you in this guide!

You can also check out my YouTube channel - where you can see helpful step by step painting tutorials for beginner painters! Subscribe to my channel here!

Helpful Blog Posts

Read this blog post to help with landscape painting

Read this to help with still life painting!

Learn how to paint better clouds

Try painting coaching to improve your skills quickly!

click the image to download this free guide!

click the image to download this free guide!

How to Stay Motivated as an Artist (5 Tips)

How to stay motivated as an artist is a question I get asked all the time! Here are my 5 tips for how you can stay motivated as an artist. This is what works best for me! It is normal to go through periods during your career as an artist where you feel unmotivated. Maybe you even feel unsuccessful and wonder when things will change. You might even feel overwhelmed and feel like you don’t know where to begin. That’s why I have put together a list of five tips to help you so that you don’t have to give up on your dreams as an artist!

Check out my 5 tips below!

How to Stay Motivated as an Artist

1. Don't compare your art to others

It is easy to compare yourself to other artists and question why did they get that exhibition and not me?

Why did they win the prize? Why did they receive the grant? Why did they get the residency? Why not me? Is my art not good enough? Did I not work hard enough?

Comparing yourself to other artists let alone other people in general can be a dangerous rabbit hole to enter. It’s important to work on your mindset and recognize that there is enough room for lots of people to be successful artists.

How you can stay motivated as an artist. Artist Tips from Jackie Partridge

That's why I like to stay in my own lane:

I try not to compare myself to other artists to look at their CVs. If I happen to witness a friend or colleague from school win or mention something - I am genuinely happy for them- everyone has a unique art practice. We all make different things that are about different topics. And that's truly great!

Staying in my lane helps me focus on my own practice and not waste time thinking about other people’s practice or entering comparison fatigue.


2. Keep track of deadlines For Your Art Goals

I keep track of my artist deadlines by looking at art deadline websites like Akimbo. I check websites like this daily or every other day. If I see a deadline that I am excited about I will take a screenshot of it and write it down in my agenda later. If there are a lot of deadlines in a certain month I will write them in order of when they are due in a list format on a sheet of paper. This helps me see which ones are due first and focus on that but also look ahead to be able to focus on deadlines that I am most excited about.


Jackie Partridge’s Paint and palette

3. Make Art goals or deadlines to get things done

I have a goal to apply for 7 applications every month. This goal allows me to be focused and hold myself accountable. Not every deadline takes a lot of time. Sometimes it's as simple as submitting some photos and a copy of my artist statement. Deadlines naturally give myself something to work towards so that I can stay productive.


4. Review your goals and create systems to stay organized

It's one thing to make a goal and it is another to keep them. It is important to review your goals and hold yourself accountable when you don't meet them. Reviewing your goals helps to really prioritize what is important. You can read more about my goal setting process in this blog post.

I also stay focused by creating systems that make it easier when I apply to deadlines-like saving files in PDF, saving different versions of files like a CV that is 2 and 3 pages and saving photos in both 300dpi and 72dpi.

Tips for staying motivated as an artist by Jackie partridge

5. Find ways to stay inspired - do what works for you

It's important to listen to your body and if you need a rest- take it. There is no sense beating yourself up about it. If you don't feel like applying to something then think about something that you can do to still be productive or that could save you time when applying to things in the future.



Remember to take care of yourself and support other artists. It's a difficult job but at the end of the day it's what you love to do so it's worth the days where you need to rest- you need that break and you just feel completely unmotivated. Remember that the feeling is temporary and that it will soon pass. Here is a blog post with tips if you are feeling uninspired!

Would you like to improve your acrylic painting?

Download my FREE Guide with the 10 Mistakes Beginner Painters Make and How to Avoid Them!

Improve Your Painting Fast by Doing This!

Improve your painting fast by doing this! I will show you how to improve your acrylic painting in the tips below! It’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere with their painting. Like any hobby it takes time to practice and refine this skill!

I get it! It can be hard to find time to practice painting!

It seems like there are not ENOUGH HOURS in the day!

You stare at your paintings and feel sad or maybe even a little embarrassed? You know you can do better. You dream of one day being able to paint something nice for your living room or to be able to give a meaningful gift to someone by painting a sunset for them.

I’m sure you have tried to practice before. Maybe you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? Or that you just don’t know how to improve?

Artist with paint on them and holding paint brushes contemplating coaching.

Tips to Improve Your Acrylic Painting

It’s important to schedule time for the activities you enjoy doing.

Not only will practicing painting make you a better painter but it’s something you love to do and it will be a stress relief for you, making you a better parent, partner and friend!

Paint the same thing over and over

You can learn a lot by sticking to one thing and really mastering it. Paint the same flower 5 times in a row and you will be able to see your progress!

You might be asking how can you get more help?

Start by downloading this FREE Guide - 10 Mistakes Beginner Painters Make - and how to avoid them!

How can I improve my acrylic painting? Download this free guide where I will share 10 tips to help you become a better painter! Click the image to download the guide!

How can I improve my acrylic painting? Download this free guide where I will share 10 tips to help you become a better painter! Click the image to download the guide!

IF you still want more and want to really improve QUICKLY!

You can try individual coaching on Zoom.

In these coaching sessions I can help you with:

  • How to plan a painting

  • Tell you specific tips and techniques for how to improve

  • Answer any painting questions you have

  • Help you with your painting composition

  • Help you make a finished painting you can be proud of

Here’s the link to book the coaching!

I offer coaching to both adults and children age 7 and up who are interested in becoming better painters!

Fill out this form below to contact me about coaching or ask any questions you may have:

6 Tips for Hitting Your Art Goals

6 tips for hitting your art goals this year! This year you can make your goals come true! How did you do sticking to the goals you made last year? Do you even remember them? Here are some tips about sticking to your goals, so you don’t lose track of them this year! 

I love planning, making lists and achieving my goals. It does take work though..

Here is a list of my 6 tips to help you hit your art goals this year!


# 1 Sticking to Your Goals - check on them

In order to keep my goals I need to review them and to check in on them.

I plan my goals near the end of December a year in advance and I review my goals every four months to adjust them accordingly.

Each month, I check on my monthly goals and put a check mark beside the completed ones. I have a new agenda this year that has a section for goals at the start of each month which really helps! If you don't have this you can always set up reminders on your phone, write on a calendar or create to-do/goals lists.

It's important to check on a goal's progress because if you have many goals you can easily forget.

Pro Tip: If you are working on a larger goal you can break it into smaller chunks that are easier to manage!


#2 Your Goals Aren't Permanent!

Life happens... Before you know it you meet your goal or you decide the timing isn't right. You are allowed to change your mind - because they are your goals! I like to give myself some grace and I'm not hard on myself when I am no longer aiming for a goal. I'm still figuring out what kind of artist I want to become and what I want my life to look like in the future.

artist practicing her painting with a palette knife


#3 You Need to be Invested and Know Why

You have to want your goals- and not believe you should make them because what society is telling you. Part of sticking to goals is figuring out why you want them in the first place. This drive keeps you motivated. So, if you don't know why you want something, think deeper or even try journalling.

A goal needs intention behind it. It helps when a goal has clarity too because it will be something that you can easily visualize.


#4 Does Your Goal Inspire You and Excite You?

Like Marie Kondo says "does it spark joy" if it does, it's something you will treasure something you will continue to work on. If it doesn't you won't - it's that simple! The more excited you are, the more urgency there is to finish it.

A goal should be exciting but still believable to you.

woman writing down her artist goals

#5 Give Yourself Deadlines for Your Art Goals

I was always an achiever in school and I've found to still be successful out of school it helps to have deadlines. Give yourself a realistic time frame while keeping yourself challenged and accountable! Sometimes, I will make a firm deadline with myself like "If you don't finish this by the end of the day then you can't ..."

The nice thing about applying to different art calls and grants is that they have deadlines associated with them. These deadlines can really help you stay organized.


#6 Reward Yourself for Meeting Your Goals - Make the Process Fun!

Some goals are going to take longer to complete because they require more work and they are bigger goals. I find it helpful to remember to enjoy the journey (although I struggle with this). Don't be afraid to celebrate milestones or to reward yourself with something you want. If the process of goal setting isn't enjoyable you aren't going to be excited about it and it will be harder to stick to your goals.


list to record your art goals this year

Here are my art goals for 2021

Now that I am teaching full time I have to consider what goals are realistic for me and my schedule:

  1. Post consistently to social media (5x a week to instagram, 1-2x to facebook, every day to Pinterest, twice a month to my email list, blog post 3-4x a month, YouTube 2x a month)

  2. Apply to art calls twice a month - I want to have more exhibitions this year!

  3. Spend time in nature for inspiration- I find this really helps with my art practice.

  4. Make consistent art sales- I would love my art to be my main source of income.

  5. Keep my website updated monthly- I like reviewing my website at the end of each month to make sure everything is current.

  6. Set boundaries for teaching for more work life balance- no work on Friday nights and Saturdays, no emails past 7pm, no marking on the weekend.

  7. Make art during school breaks- Teaching full time has made me really miss having time to make my art.  

6 Tips for achieving your goals. Woman working at a desk

Your Art Goals Might Be…

Working on an Art Portfolio

Check out this post on how to prepare an art portfolio for college or university!

Starting a YouTube Channel for Your Art

Check mine out here for acrylic painting!

Improving Your Acrylic Painting

If one of your goals is getting better at acrylic painting - I can help with that! Download my FREE guide where I show you the 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how you can avoid them!

Winter YouTube Painting Video Recap- November/December

Here are some beginner acrylic painting videos you might have missed from November and December 2020 on my YouTube channel - Jackie Partridge Art. Click the links below to check them out and be sure to subscribe to my channel to see new painting tutorials! Jackie Partridge is an artist and a teacher and she created this YouTube channel during the Covid-19 pandemic so that others would have the chance to practice their creativity and explore acrylic painting in a fun and therapeutic way.

Even if you are completely new to acrylic painting, there are lots of acrylic painting tutorials and acrylic painting tips videos to help you get started and feel confident with acrylic painting today!

Go ahead and give painting a try!!

Abstract Poppy Painting

Learn how to paint an abstract poppy in a poppy field. Perfect project for Remembrance Day to do with older kids! Or as a beginner painter to complete as one of your first painting projects. This is a lovely painting that will have a wonderful pop of red for your home decor.

Watch How to Paint an Abstract Poppy- HERE

Video Length: 16 min. 48 sec.

abstract acrylic poppy painting by Jackie Partridge

How to Choose the Right Apron for you!

Learn about different types of aprons and how to choose one that is perfect for you. Hear my thoughts on the pros and cons of cloth and plastic aprons. Learn about my recommendations for choosing the right apron for kids or for beginner painters.

Watch How to Choose the Right Apron- HERE

Video Length: 4 min. 50 sec.

Full Moon Acrylic painting by Jackie Partridge

Full Moon Painting

Learn how to paint a full moon, stars and the night sky. Create gorgeous moonlit clouds that add the perfect texture to your painting. This is an easy full moon painting that any beginner painter can paint. You can paint this full moon painting the next time there is a full moon for extra luck! This moon painting can be done be kids age 12 and up!

Watch How to Paint a Full Moon- HERE

Video Length: 16 min. 51 sec.

I hope you enjoyed the videos! You can subscribe to my YouTube channel here! So that you don’t miss any future free painting tutorials for beginner painters!

If you would like to improve your acrylic painting quickly- download my FREE guide where I show you the 10 common mistakes beginner painters make and how to avoid them!

Winter 2020 Exclusive Painting Video

Twice a year, I send my email list an exclusive acrylic painting video lesson to your inbox! Videos include start to finish instructions and are not public on my YouTube Channel - You will have lifetime access to these videos! >>>Enter your email in the blue form below to join! Please note that I am no longer sending the Winter 2020 painting tutorial - however -please join my mailing list by clicking on the grey form so that you don’t miss out on the next tutorial!

You will learn how to paint an acrylic painting from beginning to end with valuable tips. I am a trained artist in acrylic painting and I am a certified teacher. I have my Master of Fine Arts degree and loads of teaching experience to make painting for beginners a simple process where you can feel confident and have fun! I send an email to my list twice a year where I give you a private link to the video tutorial. You will have lifetime access to the video lesson.

Would you like to improve your acrylic painting? I show you 10 common mistakes beginner acrylic painters make and what you can do to avoid them - click the button below to grab your FREE guide! Grabbing this guide will also put you on my mailing list so you can receive the next seasonal painting tutorial!

Winter landscape acrylic painting by Jackie Partridge

These Videos Are Perfect For You If:

  1. You love art or painting

  2. You want more time to yourself to be creative! 

  3. You are interested in learning more about acrylic painting and developing your skills

  4. You want a fun project to do by yourself or with friends or family (recommended age is 7 and up!)

  5. You are a painter or want to give it a try!

  6. You are beginner or experienced painter

  7. You want to relax and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of painting

  8. You want fun, simple and creative ideas to paint

Enter your email below to get access so you don’t miss this video or the next one!

Close up of the winter 2020 acrylic landscape painting by Jackie Partridge

Close up of the winter 2020 acrylic landscape painting by Jackie Partridge

Check out the What the Other Paintings Have Looked Like in the Past

Fall 2020

Summer 2020

Spring 2021

Summer 2021

Click one of the icons below to connect with me on social media!

Paint Tutorials - Full Videos on my New Youtube Channel

View painting tutorials for beginner acrylic painters on my YouTube Channel. Check out my New YouTube channel where you can access free painting video lessons including small short videos on tips and techniques like colour mixing. Learning about what art supplies you need to get started. As well as full painting tutorials from start to finish that are creative and simple for beginners.

I am a trained painter in acrylics. I have my Master of Fine Arts and I am also a certified teacher. With my teaching experience, I make my painting tutorials easy and simple to understand. My videos are perfect for beginner painters and there are even videos that are easy enough for kids to do!

Click the links under the images to access these YouTube videos!

Paint a campfire from start to finish - easy enough for kids age 7+ to do!

Paint a campfire from start to finish - easy enough for kids age 7+ to do!

If you like these videos be sure to subscribe new videos come out each month!

You can view my channel here -

Paint a Mermaid Tail perfect for beginner artists age 7 and up!

Paint a Mermaid Tail perfect for beginner artists age 7 and up!

Not sure about what art supplies you need to get started? Check out this blog post! I share all the painting supplies you need before you watch any of my acrylic painting tutorials!

If you complete a painting I would love to see it and give you feedback and a virtual hug! Tag me on Instagram @jackiepartridgeart or use the hashtag #jackiepartridgeartclasses

Click the Image to Pin it for Later! Learn acrylic painting by watching these painting tutorials

Click the Image to Pin it for Later! Learn acrylic painting by watching these painting tutorials

If you are new to acrylic painting and you would like to improve your painting skills - click the button below where you can download my FREE guide on how to become a better acrylic painter by avoiding the 10 common mistakes beginner painters make!

Is there something you are dying to learn about painting with acrylics. Leave me a comment below!

Happy Painting!

Check out more of my kids acrylic painting lessons on my blog!

Other Popular Painting Lessons for Kids:

How to Paint a Simple Bee

How to Paint a Halloween Pumpkin

Painting Desserts