Improve Your Painting Fast by Doing This!

Improve your painting fast by doing this! I will show you how to improve your acrylic painting in the tips below! It’s important to remember that everyone starts somewhere with their painting. Like any hobby it takes time to practice and refine this skill!

I get it! It can be hard to find time to practice painting!

It seems like there are not ENOUGH HOURS in the day!

You stare at your paintings and feel sad or maybe even a little embarrassed? You know you can do better. You dream of one day being able to paint something nice for your living room or to be able to give a meaningful gift to someone by painting a sunset for them.

I’m sure you have tried to practice before. Maybe you feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? Or that you just don’t know how to improve?

Artist with paint on them and holding paint brushes contemplating coaching.

Tips to Improve Your Acrylic Painting

It’s important to schedule time for the activities you enjoy doing.

Not only will practicing painting make you a better painter but it’s something you love to do and it will be a stress relief for you, making you a better parent, partner and friend!

Paint the same thing over and over

You can learn a lot by sticking to one thing and really mastering it. Paint the same flower 5 times in a row and you will be able to see your progress!

You might be asking how can you get more help?

Start by downloading this FREE Guide - 10 Mistakes Beginner Painters Make - and how to avoid them!

How can I improve my acrylic painting? Download this free guide where I will share 10 tips to help you become a better painter! Click the image to download the guide!

How can I improve my acrylic painting? Download this free guide where I will share 10 tips to help you become a better painter! Click the image to download the guide!

IF you still want more and want to really improve QUICKLY!

You can try individual coaching on Zoom.

In these coaching sessions I can help you with:

  • How to plan a painting

  • Tell you specific tips and techniques for how to improve

  • Answer any painting questions you have

  • Help you with your painting composition

  • Help you make a finished painting you can be proud of

Here’s the link to book the coaching!

I offer coaching to both adults and children age 7 and up who are interested in becoming better painters!

Fill out this form below to contact me about coaching or ask any questions you may have: