How to Find Art Inspiration

Feeling stuck? It is time to find art inspiration. You might be asking how to find art inspiration? Where do you find art inspiration? Keep reading because I want to help you feel unstuck and feel inspired again. When you have art inspiration you have an urge to create and are able to develop new and creative ideas easier and faster!

How to Find Art Inspiration

There are many ideas for how to find art inspiration. Art inspiration can be anywhere. It is easiest to find inspiration when you are open. If you are feeling stressed, sick, sad, mad it’s going to be harder to find inspiration because you are not in the right headspace. 

How to Find Art Inspiration/Where to Find Art Inspiration

  • Taking a walk or spending time in nature like hiking, camping, gardening or being at the beach 

  • Listening to music - you can try listening to classical music or calming music like acoustic or nature sounds 

  • Traveling and going somewhere new - ideally for a week or two if possible so you can really immerse yourself and live in that place 

  • Going to an art gallery or museum

  • Flipping through magazines or going to a library 

  • Looking for art supplies- you might be drawn to different colours or textures 

  • Journaling, doodling or sketching - keep a book to contain your ideas 

  • Make art to lead to other ideas, even if the art you make is bad

being outside is how to find art inspiration

How to Find Art Inspiration - Step 1: Follow Your Intuition 

Part of the creative process is making many decisions. Some decisions are small and some are larger. As an artist it is important to be intune with your intuition. You have to be able to trust your gut to know what decisions to make in the process. 

Start paying attention to how you are thinking and feeling. If you feel like painting- do it. If you want to use a certain colour- do it. Keep listening to yourself and trust that your intuition is guiding you! 

How to Find Art Inspiration-Step 2:  Keep Your Body/Mind Strong 

Make sure you are staying rested and keeping healthy. Get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, eat healthy and move your body. Make sure you are stretching and walking around.

If you are staying healthy you are going to have more energy and when you feel energized you will want to create more! 

It’s also important to keep your mind healthy. Having a healthy mindset is important for artists. You need to believe that you will make good art. If you have a positive mindset, you will make good art. If you are thinking negatively then that will affect the process. 

how to find art inspiration -just create a cyanotype

How to Find Art Inspiration- Step 3: Just Create 

The best way to find art inspiration is to just start creating. You need to make work because it will lead to other things and ideas. It’s okay to mess up that is part of the art process. Even if art is “bad” you need to trust the process that you will make good art again soon! 

If you found this helpful for how to find art inspiration. Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know! @jackiepartridge_  

If you paint you can check out my YouTube channel on acrylic painting to keep you inspired. Click the button below! 

Paper Making with Recycled Blue Jeans

Paper making with recycled blue jeans is a time consuming process but it also a rewarding process. I love being sustainable in my art practice and using recycled blue jeans to make paper is exciting! I will show you how to make paper with recycled blue jeans in this post! I started paper making in 2015, where I was working as a teaching assistant in a paper making class during my MFA. See some behind the scenes about the process of paper making below!

How to Make Paper Out of Recycled Blue Jeans -What You Need

  • a hollander beater

  • water

  • a vat (plastic tub that is shallow)

  • mould and deckle

  • felts

  • sponge

  • jeans that are 100% cotton (they must be 100%)

  • Check out this article for other paper making supplies you need!

How to make paper out of jeans, denim pulp by Jackie Partridge

The Process for Making Paper out of Recycled Denim

Denim Doily -Medium
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You can make paper with found denim as long as the fibres are 100% cotton. In order to make paper out of fabric the fibres need to be natural and not include synthetic fibres. Now a days it can be hard to find blue jeans like that!

Above is an image from the paper making process —> turning denim —> tiny strands of thread —> to pulp —> to paper

Steps for Paper Making with Recycled Blue Jeans:

In order to make the denim paper the blue jeans must be collected rinsed with water (this removes the laundry detergent so the pulp isn’t foamy) and cut into tiny 1cmx 1cm squares. I sort my denim by shade of blue jeans this will get you different blues in your paper. You will have to rinse the jeans in the washing machine with no detergent for a couple cycles to remove any soap residue. If you don’t properly wash the denim you will get lots of foam and bubbles when you run them through the hollander beater. After the squares are cut they are put into a beater that grinds the natural fibres into tiny blue threads.

After the pulp is beaten down to tiny threads (taking around 4 hours or longer). The longer you beat the denim pulp the less threads appear in the paper. The pulp is added into a vat of water and a mould and deckle are used to create sheets of paper. You will scoop the recycled blue jean denim pulp with a mould and deckle in the vat of water and pull a sheet. Then remove the top mould and press the screen on sheets of felt squeezing out excess water. You can also press down with a dry sponge. Layer a felt of the wet sheets of paper. Then place the stack of felts and blue jean paper in a press to squeeze out extra water. Remove sheets of paper and dry them by hanging or in a flat dryer. It will take over 24 hours to dry.

A handful of denim pulp

A handful of denim pulp

Here is abaca paper mixed with denim pulp in a mould and deckle (this forms the shape of the paper)

Here is abaca paper mixed with denim pulp in a mould and deckle (this forms the shape of the paper)

Leftover pulp dries and water can be added to make it pulp again!

Leftover pulp dries and water can be added to make it pulp again!

Denim Paper-Light and Dark Blue
Shade of Blue:
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