How I Increased my Art Views on Pinterest by 200% (5 Tips)

How I increased my art views on Pinterest by 200% - if you are curious you will want to read on! I quadrupled my Pinterest views doing a few quick changes – here are my tips below! They are all very simple changes to make! By doing these easy changes I increased my art views on Pinterest by 200%! Learn from artist Jackie Partridge and check out my Pinterest here!

This content has been updated for Pinterest for 2023/2024.

First of all it is important to think of Pinterest as a search engine and not social media – people go on Pinterest to get inspired and look for particular things. People see pins in their feed based on key words they search for.

If you want to improve your Pinterest and that is one of your goals this year - click here for tips on achieving your goals as an artist here!

Improve your Pinterest account with these tips. laptop computer on a desk with donuts.

Tip 1 – Switch to a Business Account

If you have a business -switch to a business account to track how your pins are performing! Check out your analytics weekly to see which pins are popular and what needs improving. Try changing graphics, adding photos or plain text, choose different colours and fonts or ones that reflect your brand. You can even use pin templates online. You will also begin to notice what keywords are popular and when is a good time to post to Pinterest so more people see your pins!

Tip 2 – Use Key Words 

You need to use key words everywhere in titles, descriptions, file name of the photo and board descriptions. The more key words the more chances of people finding your pin. Do your research to plan what key words people might be searching for and that best describe your pin. Brainstorm and research your key words by making sure they describe what the pin and linked website are about.

How I increased my Pinterest Tips on laptop computer.

Tip 3- Create High Quality Content

The first 5 pins you pin should be your own content and you should try to pin every day to attract more viewers and followers. You can pin from your website, blog, instagram and you can repurpose old content that was popular in the past. You can create new content using or choosing beautiful high quality images. Content that does well on Pinterest is DIYs, how to articles and tips and tricks. You can use your own photos or stock photography.

Tip 4- Pin to Reflect Your Target Audience 

If you are an artist you should definitely have a board dedicated to your own artwork. You should also be thinking of what your ideal customer might be interested in and create boards to reflect that. For example, does your ideal client have kids? Do they like home decor or cooking? You need to delete or hide pins that are irrelevant and delete pins where the link is broken. Keep your personal pins private as secret boards.

Pinterest tips, laptop and smart phone pictured.

Tip 5- Play with New Features on Pinterest

Just like Instagram Pinterest favours new features in their search algorithm. You can try story pins, collection pins, video pins. You will probably see better results by playing around with them. It is also important to share FRESH content (new links and new graphics). I love using Canva to create my pin graphics. Pinterest also loves idea pins and video pins so make sure to use those too!

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Pinterest is the number one way I drive traffic to my website! You can see my Pinterest profile here! to get more ideas! Follow me on Pinterest to see more helpful resources.

laptop on desk tools for making a better Pinterest account.