1963-1974- Artwork by Jackie Partridge

This is an older work from 2015 called 1963-1974 by Jackie Partridge. The artwork is less than 2’ by 2’.  I completed this artwork during my undergraduate degree at Lakehead University. I created it as part of my art portfolio when I was applying to my Master of Fine Arts at Concordia University in the Fibres and Material Practices Program. 

Polaroids and machine sewing - form a patchwork quilt of memories with old family photos. The photographs are arranged by colour to help the chevron pattern emerge. My grandmother was sorting through family photos and gave me a collection of photographs. I asked if I could cut them and turn them into an artwork and she said yes. There’s something weird about cutting up family photographs and replacing a part of them to form a new memory. I sewed the photographs with a zig zag stitch on my sewing machine in white thread.

Polaroids are such a nostalgic medium and have become trendy again. Working with this medium of found Polaroids really speaks to the time period and the moment that captured the photograph. I love the colours from the pictures and how they have faded over time. Some of the photographs even have my grandmother’s handwriting on the bottom of them. 

I am very interested in quilts, sewing and textile art because when I grew up I had 8 grandmothers including great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers. The craft of quilting and sewing are very important to my family heritage and to myself. 

You can see the detail of 1963-1974 below!

You can see my current art by clicking here!

Sewn Polaroids by Jackie Partridge

Sewn Polaroids by Jackie Partridge

 To see current artwork you can follow me on instagram @jackiepartridge_

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