The Biggest Secret for a Struggling Artist

The biggest secret for a struggling artist is more common than your think! Being an artist is a difficult job. It's a journey and very much a marathon.

There are a lot of barriers to becoming a successful artist like; self doubt, your ego talking, imposter syndrome just to name a few. I’ll share the biggest secret for a struggling artist below! Read on!

Before you read on...I think some perspective is needed.

Image from Styled Stock Society

Images from Styled Stock Society

It is important to define what success looks like for you.  This is the BIGGEST secret for a struggling artist.

Do you want a new exhibition every week or one a month? Do you want an art sale every day or are you fine to have a couple a month or a year just as extra income?

Only you know what success means to you. Because it’s different for everyone! In order to stop feeling like a struggling artist you really need to define what success is going to look like for you! 

Here is my letter to the struggling artist  - you could even try writing a letter to yourself - it might be helpful.

Dear Struggling Artist,

I know things are hard right now. And you may be beating yourself up. Wondering when is it going to be your big break? When can you finally pursue your art full-time?

And your time will come.

You might be scrolling through Pinterest and Instagram and thinking wow, they have a TON of followers. They must have a TON of sales! They are so lucky! I wish I could have that… I wish it was easier for me..

And your time will come.

You might spend your days daydreaming or hoping that things might turn around. 

And your time will come.

struggling artist hands

But in this stage you are in now, just know that it is not permanent. It can and it will get better. If you give up now you’re abandoning your passion, your true calling, your talent and gifts for the world to see. I know this has been a big dream for you for a while now. Trust your gut and follow your own path. Don’t follow someone’s else’s path or their definition of success. What’s the point of that really?

I want you to become crystal clear about what you want...

I want for you to have the life of your dreams.

Deep down, only you really know what that looks like... So take a moment and write it ALL down. 

Start dreaming your biggest goals and wildest dreams (even the ones that scare you or the ones you are doubting will come true). Pursue them anyways and pursue them especially

What do you want more of in your life? What do you want less of?

Start Brainstorming now! Take out that old journal or sketchbook...seriously.


Every Struggling Artist

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Let me know if this exercise was helpful for you - message me on social media so we can connect more. I would love to hear from you!

You Got This - it will get easier!

You Got This - it will get easier!

Quit Feeling Like a Starving Artist TODAY!

Quit feeling like a starving artist today by working on your artist mindset. Mindset work is an ongoing process but I want to help you quit feeling like a starving artist because I know it doesn’t feel good and it sucks to feel that way! Quitting to feel like a starving artist when you have been feeling that way for a long time is a very difficult task and it won’t be a quick and easy fix! Just remember we all start from somewhere. This idea that a contemporary artist can’t support themselves through their art is frustrating and this “starving artist” story has been around for A LONG TIME! But let’s get rid of it for once and for all! Okay?…

Quit saving your money in  a piggy bank like this and stop feeling like a starving artist

I’m sure you’ve heard this before…

  •  “You can’t make money doing something you love”

  • “You will never make it as an artist”

  • “You can’t make money as an artist”

  • “Why don’t you get a real job?”

  • “Only dead artists make money!”

Are you done feeling small? Hiding your art? Feeling like a failure?

The starving artist is a narrative that is drilled into our brains.

Enough is enough!

The number one trick to being a successful artist is working on your mindset. I believe this is true with any entrepreneur - you need to have a positive and healthy mindset. This is ongoing work that takes time and involves you to change how you think about things, how you see things and who you choose to listen to. 

So how do you work on your mindset to stop feeling like a starving artist? Read my 10 steps to quit feeling like a starving artist below!

Quit Feeling Like a Starving Artist - by following these tips!

Step 1:

You need to start thinking and feeling positive and successful in order to start believing. If you feel negative, like a failure, constantly thinking about how you don’t have art sales or exhibitions then that is the kind of energy you will attract. If you think negative, you feel negative and you  believe those negative thoughts to be true and that this is your reality. Thinking negatively becomes harder to change. So when you start thinking or feeling negatively about your art or your ability as an artist it is important to change those thoughts/feelings immediately.

Step 2: 

Be grateful. When you are talented and creative it is easy to take those abilities for granted. It is important to be grateful for your art talents, your business, your artwork and really remember why you became an artist in the first place. When you are passionate and excited you will keep at it and you will encounter your success.

10 steps to quit feeling like a starving artist. Click the image to pin it.

Step 3:

Stick with it. It’s so easy to give up and say why bother? And I think that’s the difference between a successful artist and non-successful artist. As an artist you face a lot of rejection and a lot of criticism. It’s easy and normal to feel defeated. But your perseverance is what will pull you through!

Step 4: 

Consistency is key! Being a successful artist is about showing up consistently. Post consistently to social media like Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Share photos of your art- finished pieces, detail shots and work in progress. Start an email list and share an email to your members every week or every other! Create consistent routines for you like posting to social media every other day, one blog post a week, one email to your list every other week and then stick to those routines. When you follow a schedule for posting content you are seen as reliable and people can count on you when they have a question or will come when they are ready to buy. They will look forward to hearing from you when you establish a consistent schedule! 

desktop with office supplies to plan how to stop feeling like a starving artist

Step 5:

Invest in yourself. As an artist you will need certain supplies. You need to invest in yourself and treat your art as a business in order to be successful. It’ s good to have a website where people can view your art and purchase it. You will need good clear photos of your work. Whether you have a camera and a tripod or you hire a photographer- great quality images are a must! You also probably need programs like Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop to edit and resize your images. You will need to spend money on art supplies, and materials you need for your practice. If you make videos for example you may need to invest in a better computer. Keep your receipts and speak to your accountant at the beginning of the year if you have any questions!

Step 6:

Reminders, affirmations and lists of achievements. Part of thinking positively and feeling positively is being reminded of what is possible. It’s helpful to post sticky notes with positive affirmations like, “ I am a successful artist” or “People love my work and are happy to pay for it.” These affirmations serve as visual reminders that can help build your confidence which will make it easier for you to feel and believe. When you feel confident it is easier for you to put yourself out there- to apply to exhibitions or to share your art and ask for a sale.

Step 7:

Know your worth. As an artist we are often promised exposure instead of money. While exposure is important you need to know when to say no. If you sell art on your website you need to consider your skills and expertise on the decisions you make for pricing your art. You can read more tips about pricing your art here! 

Step 8:

Know what makes you different. It can seem like there is a sea of artists. But it’s important to stay in your own lane. Focus on what makes you different or unique. Don’t copy someone’s art because it’s popular. Create and find your own style. Make art about what feels right to you. This is difficult and it will take time.

Office supplies and goals sheet to plan how to stop feeling like a starving artist.

Step 9:

Practice and experiment. See your art practice as a journey. You won’t get overnight success. You need to practice and give yourself permission to experiment and test to see what works. You are allowed to change and grow. Remember that.

Step 10:

Get support and ask for help. Being an artist requires you to be many things like a writer, photographer, public speaker, marketer, social media expert, copywriter and more! Don’t expect to be perfect at everything and ask for help with someone with more expertise. Maybe you need to do research, read a book or invest in an online course. It’s also important to get support from friends and family. Ask people to like and comment on your posts. Invite people to look at your website. You don’t know what will happen if you never ask or put yourself out there. 

Too often as artists we are trapped in our heads or are constantly comparing ourselves to other artists. It’s important to follow these steps to help change your mindset from being a starving artist to a thriving artist!  Sometimes it helps just to start making art or to keep making art consistently. If you have been feeling uninspired lately - click here to read some tips that will help!

Jar of coins. Stop saving pennies and become a thriving artist

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Connect with me on Instagram @jackiepartridge_ and send me a DM if this resonated with you!

Want more tips - follow me on social media -by clicking on one of the icons below!

how to stop feeling like a starving artist today. Hands holding money.