How to Be an Artist

Learn how to be an artist. It is a lot simpler than you might think. Being an artist is fun to be able to make your own art and make money off your art but there are some business and administrative tasks involved. Keep reading, to learn more about how to be an artist.

How to Be an Artist 

Make art and sell it. I wish it were that simple but it doesn’t need to be overly complicated. Often artists, including myself, get caught up with the never ending to-do list and forget to focus on the basics of making art and selling it. The number one focus for artists should be to make art and to sell art. 

Make Art

No famous artist made a masterpiece the first time they made art. It takes time and practice like any new skill. It also takes awhile to define what you want to make art about. What do you want to be known for? What art do you like making? In order to answer those questions you have to make a lot of art and focus on that daily if not weekly. 

Market Art/Sell Art  

When you aren’t making art it is important to share about your art while growing a community of fans. Build your social media platforms by posting consistently, grow your email list by offering a freebie or discount like free shipping on artwork and share about what you are making. 

It’s important to share about your art and process 80% of the time and then sell to your audience for the other 20%. 

Decide where you want to sell your art. Start small and simple first. You can sell on your website, Etsy, Amazon or a print on demand website like Society6. You can also try selling at local art markets. 

Once you have established an email list, one social media platform and making and selling art you can begin to add other elements to extend your business as an artist. Here are some ideas below:

How to Be an Artist - Ideas 

  • Affiliate marketing 

  • YouTube or Podcast

  • A blog 

  • Selling art on another platform

  • Adding another social media platform 

  • Apply to artist awards/grants 

  • Apply to artist residencies 

  • Apply to art exhibitions

  • Reach out to stores to pitch your artwork 

  • Teach a course or a workshop on an art technique you use

want to be an artist

Connect with me on social media by clicking on one of the icons below! Best of luck with your journey to becoming an artist! 

how to be an artist

I Want to Be an Artist

I want to be an artist and I have wanted to be an artist ever since I was in Kindergarten. I came home with piles of crafts and colouring sheets that were plastered on my bedroom door as a kid. Wanting to be an artist doesn’t just have to be a dream!

If you want to go to art school - check out my art portfolio coaching -to help you make an art portfolio application that stands out and gets accepted!

I have always loved creating. I have always felt a spark while creating and known I wanted to be an artist. 

Jackie Partridge I want to be an artist

I know I am an artist. I went to school and did my undergrad in painting and drawing at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay - you can read about that here. 

I also did my Master of Fine Arts at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. I am educated and trained to be an artist. When I make art I feel like I am an artist. 

Right now, I am not doing art on a full time basis. It’s hard because I love teaching and I enjoy it and I’m a great teacher and love my students. Most days I don’t feel fulfilled. 

But when I’m making art, writing about art or posting my art on social media, I feel so much happier. I am in a transition where my husband and I are trying to buy a house, to decide where we want to live and find work that we enjoy and that is meaningful to us. 

jackie partridge - i want to be an artist

As a teacher and artist I know I can work anywhere. That’s one of the reasons I want to be an artist.

As we prepare for this transition of me working as a teacher to switching to teaching part time after I have a baby - here is how I am preparing:

  • I am drafting and planning content. In the summer I filmed and my husband edited 12 youtube painting tutorials that could be released on my YouTube painting channel one per month- so that I have consistent content coming out. 

  • I also do this with the blogs that I have created so that I write 4-5 months of blogs and schedule them out ahead of time.

  • I started creating items that were easy to sell online and that are digital items that don’t need to be shipped like art teaching resources on Teachers Pay Teachers or my prints that are printed and shipped by Society6

  • I have spent a lot of time reading business books and taking courses to prepare myself for running a business on a full time basis

  • Lastly, I have spent a lot of time thinking and journaling about what I want my life to look like. Which is why I know I want to be an artist full time and not just on the evenings and weekends! 

How can you help me with this hopeful transition? You can share my work to your friends - here is the link to my shop you can share.

Download my FREE guide for preparing an art portfolio for school

 On the top of the page there is a form for people to join my mailing list. I would love for you to encourage people to sign up for that. As a treat they will receive a 15% discount code and lots of helpful and inspiring tips!