What it’s Like to Be Vermont Studio Center Alumni

Being a Vermont Studio Center Alumni is a part of joining an online community. I attended the Vermont Studio Center art residency in Johnson, Vermont in November, 2017. I stayed at the artist residency for two weeks. I follow them on instagram and I am a part of a private Facebook group similar to the Women’s Studio Workshop residency -which you can read about here! Vermont Studio Center Alumni have been recognized for tons of achievements as the Vermont Studio Center is a top residency known globally.

Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont

Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, Vermont

Although I am grateful for the experience at Vermont Studio Center and to be a Vermont Studio Center Alumni I don’t think I would go back to this artist residency. As an artist, I like to travel to new places to see how place impacts my work. Vermont Studio Center is a more pricey artist residency as the fee does include your food. Since I am a paper maker the Vermont Studio Center is less appealing as they do not have a paper making studio.

For anyone who has not been or is needing a quiet space to work I would recommend this residency as I was very productive and got a lot done. Everyone is friendly and there are options to sing karaoke or enjoy a campfire while you are there too! 

While I was there, I worked on some projects for my thesis exhibition that happened in February, 2018 at Concordia University. I had a large studio with a window and a couple of tables. I worked on pieces that later became projects in my exhibition including:

What I Worked on at Vermont Studio Center

Piled Up installation tested out at the Vermont Studio Center

Piled Up installation tested out at the Vermont Studio Center

While being at the Vermont Studio Center residency I worked on altering books for my project What is and What Was. I used the leftover cut-outs to make Piled Up. I tested out the installation for Piled Up on a shelf that was in my studio. I later built a shelf for my exhibition display in my thesis show at Concordia University. 

With my series Patched that is still an ongoing series I arranged photographs of Patched into patched quilt formations. After the residency, I sewed them on my sewing machine. I worked with plaster casts of leaves during my Vermont Studio Center residency. I took advantage of the beautiful scenery in Vermont (it is very easy to be inspired) and I took more photos for my series Patched. 

I enjoyed having a lot of wall space so that I could test out Precariously Perched. In this piece I balance twisted thin strands of maps on straight pins and nails. You can see more of Precariously Perched here! 

Accommodations at Vermont Studio Center

I stayed in a room by myself and had a shared bathroom. There was a few other people living in the house I was staying at. I had a separate key to my bedroom so I felt very secure while living there. At the residency all of your meals are provided in the dining hall. The food is really good and there are a lot of options. All of the food is made by the chef. Having your meals provided is nice during an artist residency because then you don’t lose time cooking, getting groceries or doing dishes and you can have more time devoted to making art. 

Again, I don’t think I would go back to this artist residency although I am grateful for the experience at Vermont Studio Center and to be a Vermont Studio Center Alumni. Experiencing new places to make art is important for me and having access to materials like a paper making studio is also extremely important.

Winter view out my studio window at the Vermont Studio Center

Winter view out my studio window at the Vermont Studio Center

With that being said Vermont Studio Center is a great relaxing and quiet place to work. The beauty of Vermont is incredible and I had such a productive two weeks! 

Patched installation I worked at while at the Vermont Studio Center

Patched installation I worked at while at the Vermont Studio Center

Patched installation for my thesis exhibition at Concordia University inspired by being at the Vermont Studio Center

Patched installation for my thesis exhibition at Concordia University inspired by being at the Vermont Studio Center

How to Become a Vermont Studio Center Alumni

Here is more information about how to apply to Vermont Studio Center so you can become a Vermont Studio Center Alumni - one day too! 



Precariously Perched installation tested out at the Vermont Studio Center

Precariously Perched installation tested out at the Vermont Studio Center

Related Articles 

Women’s Studio Workshop -artist residency

If you are mom you can check out this motherhood residency: http://www.artistresidencyinmotherhood.com/how-it-started 

Here is another great website to help you find the right artist residency for you! https://resartis.org/covid-19-updates/


Stay connected with me by following along on social media -click on one of the icons below!

Precariously Perched installation part of my thesis exhibition at Concordia University inspired by my work at Vermont Studio Center

Precariously Perched installation part of my thesis exhibition at Concordia University inspired by my work at Vermont Studio Center

How To Add Freshness to a Stale Art Practice -Artist Tips

Want to know how to add freshness to a stale art practice? I will explain how. I know it can be difficult to make time for your art practice but it should be your top priority. Of course there are times where you won’t feel inspired like if you are sick or busy with other things. As an artist, I have found myself sometimes getting into ruts with my creativity. There are days, weeks and months where I don’t feel driven to make new art or I’m just too busy to be creative. Here’s how you can add some freshness to your art practice!

Does this sound familiar?

I have been busy lately planning an online art class that I am currently teaching for a private school. I have used my spare time to take on creative projects which has helped me to take care of my mental health. When you have taken a long break from your art practice it is easy to forget how beneficial art is in terms of being therapeutic, how it makes you feel and why you fell in love with it in the first place! I’ve made it a goal to try to make art or do something creative each day…

Bonus Tip: learn a new skill like ceramics to stay inspired to make art. Playing with clay and tools to try something new!

Bonus Tip: learn a new skill like ceramics to stay inspired to make art. Playing with clay and tools to try something new!

It’s important to add freshness to a stale art practice to help keep you inspired and making art more consistently! I have added 7 tips for you to try to feel creative again!

Here are some fun ways to get back to a creative process that might have been previously on hold:

  • Get involved in a creative challenge or start your own— searching on Pinterest for creative art challenges is a good way to get inspiration. You can start your own based on your art practice. For example, if you are a quilter you could plan on making a certain number of quilts in a timeframe or if you’re a painter- plan on painting a small 8″x10″ painting everyday. Challenges work as fun goals to complete but they also act as a piece of accountability. Creative challenges can also be a good way to create social media content by updating your audience on what you are working on. As a creative it can be good to work on a series and challenges can help you to develop your own artistic style.  I send an exclusive painting tutorial to my mailing list every season - if you would like to receive that - enter your email at the bottom of this post!

  • Look at application deadlines as motivation— I love looking on websites like Akimbo  -websites like this provide artists with deadlines of submission calls for exhibitions and awards. These deadlines, I find hold me accountable and I write them down in my agenda and apply when I have time.

  • Reach out if someone wants a commission or make artwork for a friend or family member’s gift—This can be a good idea to make a little extra money or to have a project to work on. Sometimes, I find I just need a project to keep me busy. Making a gift for someone or a commission  gives me a due date to stick to. You can read more about my commission process here!

  • Make a board on Pinterest for art inspiration or future project ideas— Pinterest is an amazing resource and I love pinning an idea that inspires me to try something similar with my own flair later on.  Check out my Pinterest boards here! 

  • Take a look at your art supplies—reach for something new and experiment and play. Let yourself create without pressure - follow your intuition and do what’s fun! Also this might be a good time to head to the art supply store and pick up something new you have been dying to try! Take a look at my list of my favourite painting supplies here!

Bonus tip: turn to other passions like these plants or gardening to feel inspired again!

Bonus tip: turn to other passions like these plants or gardening to feel inspired again!

  • Experiment and Learn It’s so easy to learn new art techniques and there are so many free and incredible options out there! You can look on YouTube, invest in a course, or head to your local library.

I invite you to check out my YouTube channel all about acrylic painting for beginners. Learn to paint landscapes, flowers, new techniques and more! Simple options that are easy enough for kids to do too are also available!

Click the Image to Pin it for Later!

Click the Image to Pin it for Later!


Remind yourself why you love art and why it is so good for you. Does it calm you down, make you relaxed, is it fun or the highlight of the day? If yes, make sure you schedule time. Block off time on your calendar. Create a pop-up reminder on your phone. That way there’s less excuses and “more time” to be creative.

I have also found scheduling art to remove distractions like turning my cellphone on airplane mode to be helpful. Or make sure you studio/art space is clean and ready the night before. Even having a playlist of your favourite songs will get you pumped and ready to create.

I hope you can feel creative soon! I know how frustrating the feeling of not wanting to create can be.

For more tips and to receive an exclusive painting tutorial each season - sign up to join my mailing list below!

I challenge you to make something now - even if it is a simple doodle on a scrap piece of paper it is a step in the right direction!

Follow me on Pinterest for more ideas and resources!

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