8 Reasons Why I Love Art

Here are 8 reasons why I love art and pursued art as a career. Art can do so many wonderful things and there are so many reasons why I love art! Growing up, I always loved making things, colouring and making crafts and painting on my plastic easel. As I got older, I started to see all the benefits of art and really began to appreciate the talent and skills I had been developing. I think we can always use more art in the world! Here are my 8 reasons of why I love art!

8 Reasons I Love Art:

Art communicates messages

Art has the opportunity to be very powerful and communicate messages that are impacting the world like climate change and social justice. Art has the ability of starting conversations and getting people to really stop and think. 

Art gets us thinking critically

I love going to art galleries and just analyzing and thinking about what the artist is trying to communicate. Why did they choose certain materials? Why did they make the decisions they made?

Why I love art - 8 reasons from Jackie Partridge

Art is healing and therapeutic

You can make art on any topic, you can incorporate any medium like writing or journaling where you can really express something that might be difficult to talk about or just hard for you to explain. Through art, you can release situations that have been bothering you and you can begin to feel a sense of peace in your life.

Art is relaxing and meditative

Art has the power to be very calming and relaxing. It is nice sometimes to make art and just zone out. To calm your mind and just focus on keeping your hands busy. Making art like mandalas, repetitive pattern or repetitive marks can help you create a zen feeling.

Art is imaginative and exciting

Art is something that is constantly changing. There are new art supplies being invented and new processes of making art to try. That for me, makes the process of making art really fun and exciting. 

flowers coming out of a paint brush. I love how creative art can be!

Art is creative and inventive

Making art allows you to be creative and problem solve through the process. Through making art you are creating or inventing. You are developing problem solving skills and decision making skills as you are trusting your intuition, trusting your eyes and figuring out what to do next. 

Without creativity - we would lack so many inventions and our lives would be very different than they are today.

Art is everywhere

Art is all around us. It is on social media like Instagram and Pinterest. It is flowers in the garden, photographs we take, the way the sun dances on an object. Art is sidewalk chalk drawings, graffiti, masterpieces and doodles when you’re talking on the phone. I love going outside on a walk and being able to absorb everything. It’s so nice to really stop and look at something. I think the more time you spend noticing details the more you will recognize that art is truly all around us. 

Art is easy to learn

Now more than ever there are so many ways to learn art. You can learn online and often for free like through YouTube. These educational tutorials and even the ones I do - make learning art so accessible and convenient for everyone! 

Learning art is really playing and experimenting, testing, trying and being able to practice and know that it is okay to make mistakes. Although making art can be difficult. Learning art is easy! It’s important to remember that masterpieces aren’t made overnight and being successful in something does require time and effort. But with time and effort you will get better and so will your art! 

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Why I became an artist
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Why I Became an Artist...

Why I became an artist…..I became an artist because I always loved creating things but more importantly I found art gave me freedom. Freedom to express myself - thoughts, ideas, interests and perspective on larger topics like the environment. And of course, freedom to do what I love. I like doing something I love each day and I feel so lucky to be given that opportunity.

Teacher's college was something I did because I knew I loved helping people from volunteering teaching figure skating to spending my summers working at camps. Art teaching, both in the classroom, my Teachers Pay Teachers store where I sell art teaching resources and on YouTube has been a way for me to combine both of my passions of teaching and art.

Teaching allows me to bring in a consistent income and it allows me to focus on my art and not have to worry about money but instead make the art that I want to make. 

Jackie Partridge

There are a lot of stereotypes about artists not making money. As an artist I want to break those stereotypes and prove that I can make consistent money on my art alone.

There are many different paths an artist can take and I like being in charge of that and choosing what applications or opportunities I want to take. Not every opportunity or decision is going to be the best for me or my art.  There is a lot of possibility in store for me and that is exciting! I enjoy being able to teach art in the classroom and online through my YouTube channel.

I have found with consistent work and effort it has been easier to make money as an artist and I know it will get easier and easier in the future. I continue to create more established systems like templates and ways to automate which will save me time and allow me to truly focus on art making.

There are many roles an artist takes on including being a writer, photographer, advertiser, marketer, promoter, teacher etc. I enjoy all the different roles of an artist and being able to do different things each day whether it is making art, writing blog posts, editing photos, updating my website, planning my Instagram posts or applying to art exhibitions. Read the 8 reasons of why I love art here!

With all the areas of my art business to focus on - I need to constantly remind myself that I must continue to make art and apply for opportunities to show my art and reach new people. 

I am lucky to be able to do what I love each day and get paid for it! 

acrylic paint palette


Each day is different, challenging and exciting!

If you would like to support my art practice - You can check out my art for sale here!


If you're an artist I would like to know more about why you became an artist and what you love about it. Let me know on social media so we can continue this conversation! Just click the buttons below ⬇️

why I became an artist