Grand National Fibres Exhibition

I currently have my art Remnants featured in the Grand National Fibres Exhibition. This is a textile art exhibition where 36 other artists are participating. This was a juried exhibition organized by Thelma Newbury and my art Remnants was one of the pieces selected in the Grand National Fibres Exhibition. This exhibition will be touring to four different provinces in Canada from 2024-2025.

The Grand National Fibres Exhibition is a yearly exhibition that has a different theme each year. 

2024 - 'DELIGHTS'

After the last few years it is time to have some fun.
Every one of us has pleasures in our lives.
What delights you?
What makes you happy, joyous and cheerful?
What lifts your heart?

The exhibition was juried by juried by Deb Fong, Marie E. Maltais and Judy Weiss.

Here is the exhibition statement: 

Exhibition Statement

 After these past years of cancelled trips, isolation and basically life on hold, we are ready for some fun. Every one of us has pleasures in our lives. What delights you? What makes you happy, joyous and cheerful? What lifts your heart? We asked the fibre artists of Canada to share their ‘Delights’ with us.


This juried exhibition consists of the works of 37 Canadian professional fibre artists from across Canada, each expressing a particular delight that has great meaning to them, resulting in a diverse range of materials, techniques, ideas, concepts, and cheerful thoughts to get us all back on the path to living, having fun and enjoying the pleasures of life once again.

Photo credit: Thelma Newbury

This Grand National Fibres Exhibition will travel across Canada being displayed at four different art galleries. 

I had to ship my artwork to the Kootenay art gallery in British Columbia by the beginning of June. When I was shipping my art I had to pack it carefully because the handmade denim paper is fragile. I also had to include installation, deinstallation and packing instructions since the art will be touring to four different art galleries. 

Grand National Fibres Exhibition Schedule:

When the exhibition concludes my art Remnants will be shipped back to my address. I am currently in the process of applying for grants to cover the cost of shipping my art across Canada to these various art exhibitions. 

To read more about my piece Remnants - you can click here. 

To learn more about the Grand National Fibres Exhibition/ textile art exhibition you can click here.

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Photo credit: Thelma Newbury