Improve Your Landscape Paintings- By Painting Better Clouds! 

Improve your landscape painting by painting better clouds - that’s my number one tip to improve your landscape painting! What I absolutely love about abstract landscape painting is the rich texture that is created with the paint. I love how the colours blend together to mimic the colours we see looking out our windows. Learn how to improve your landscape painting by learning how to paint clouds below!

Some of the most fascinating textures in a landscape painting come from the clouds in the sky.

I could personally sit and look up at the sky for hours. I am always taking pictures of the sky. It’s something that is always changing and I never have the same picture of it. There’s something so beautiful about that! 

Check out my tips to help you improve your landscape painting by painting beautiful clouds below!

acrylic painting of clouds by Jackie Partridge

In Order to Step Up Your Landscape Paintings - You Need to Paint Better Clouds

  1. And in order to paint better clouds you need to spend more time looking at them. That’s right - look at the sky and start taking more photos to be used for your paintings later.

  2. After looking, make sure you practice. You will see from your pictures that there are so many types of clouds you can paint from fluffy ones to thin ones, to soft ones or thick ones, white ones or pink ones, morning ones or night ones - the list goes on and on - keep practicing as many types of clouds as you can because there are so many things to learn through practice.

  3. When painting clouds pay attention to the edges of the clouds and the blending of the colours. You can paint with other supplies than just a paintbrush. You could try a rag, a palette knife, different size or types of brushes, a sponge etc. 

  4. It’s good to experiment and try not only different supplies but different brushstrokes as well. You can achieve the different textures in the clouds by using a variety of brushstrokes. You can learn more about the 9 Different Brushstrokes for Beginners here! 

Improve your Painting by Knowing the 10 Mistakes Beginner Painters Make -and how to improve them! Download the FREE 16 Page Guide by clicking the button below!

To Help You Practice- Try my Cloud Painting Tutorials on YouTube! 

Painting a Night Sky with Clouds and a Full Moon

Paint Textured Clouds Using a Palette Knife

Painting Clouds for Beginners

Choose the Right Palette Knife for You

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