Here are 9 tips for pricing your art. Pricing your art can be very difficult. Especially when you start comparing what other artists are charging online. There are a lot of factors for pricing your art to consider. You can read my 9 tips for what to consider when pricing your art below! Feel confident in how to price your art.
But at the end of the day the best advice I received from an old painting professor in university was “you need to price your art at a price you are happy to let it go with”
This statement from my professor completely changed how I see pricing my art.
I think in the age of the internet it is so easy for artists or any entrepreneurs to look and compare other people’s prices – but it shouldn’t and doesn’t matter especially when it comes to art.
Although it is easy to compare it shouldn’t be justified because artists have different experience, education, ideal customers and are often working with different art materials.
You need to think about your factors:
What is the cost for materials to make the art?
Who is my ideal customer and what is their budget for art?
What is your intuition telling you?
Do you include shipping, taxes, a free gift, custom wrapping, tracking id (all of these extras cost more $$$)
How much time did you spend on making the art?
Is it framed or not?
Do you have a history of sales- if you have a proven record of sales, a large fan base or are known in your region -you might be in demand and are able to charge more
Other things to consider:
Additional fees -like website fees, studio rental, equipment fees like a camera, Photoshop, Lightroom etc.
What is my cost of living, what income do I want to receive for my art? Is this your full time job or a side hustle (if it is your full time job you should consider paying yourself an hourly wage – not minimum wage- don’t short change your experience, skills, education and value you bring!)
You need to price your art with what you are comfortable with. If you think it is priced too low then raise it! You have the ability to change your prices at any time! You should also adjust your prices on a yearly basis especially if you are lacking time to fulfill orders or as you become more experienced your prices should increase.
Remember people don’t need to buy art so the price of it varies hugely – do not compare your prices to the prices of others. Remember what makes your art different is you, your style, your effort, your decisions, your story and the experience that you serve your customers.
You don’t want to undersell yourself – you can always lower your prices and discount or provide a sale but it is harder to drastically raise prices when you started to low in the first place.
Check out my art shop here to see my prices!
Maybe you have thought about doing art commissions? Read this blog post here for tips!
What You Need to Price Your Art - 9 Tips - click image to pin for later
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