Art Journal Inspo

How do you keep track of your art inspiration? I record my inspiration in an art journal or sketchbook. I like looking back at my art journal inspo over the years to see all of the ideas I have had. Some are ideas I have completed and some are still ideas I wish to complete. Art journal inspo tracking is a great way to organize your thoughts and keep track of your brilliant ideas. I like to completely fill an art journal and then I will move onto a new sketchbook to fill. 

So, you might be asking yourself -what do you record as art journal inspo? Keep reading and I will let you know! 

Art Journal Inspo Ideas

1. Sketches

As your art journal inspo you get to decide what you want to fill your sketchbook with. But an obvious choice is sketching. You can complete daily drawings, weekly drawings, doodles, quick sketches or gestural drawings. There are no rules for a sketchbook. You can use any material, any style or technique. You can decide if you want to spend 5 minutes or 5 hours on a page. Which makes working in an art journal very freeing and exciting because you are in control. 

In my own sketchbook, the sketches are not detailed and sometimes are just an outline with some words. As long as I know what it means that’s all that matters for me. Your approach can be different and that is completely up to you. It is your art journal inspo. 

art journal inspo

2. Titles, Words or Poetry 

Sometimes, I am reading something, watching something or listening to something and I hear a word that inspires an artwork. I keep my art journal by bed and write down the words that come to mind. My artwork is often very poetic and some art like my series Patched, involve poetry. Anytime, I am inspired by words or phrases I will write the poem or title for an artwork in my art journal to refer to later. 

3. Installation methods 

With my artwork, I like to test out new installation methods in my art journal by seeing what they will look like on paper. Again, I usually start with a simple sketch and add some written notes. I like to test suspending an artwork, presenting an artwork on a plinth, hanging the artwork on a wall and any other ideas I have in my art journal. 

4. Art to sell

If I have an idea for an artwork to sell I also record that in my art journal as inspiration. Then when I am feeling inspired and creative, I can come back and create that artwork. When I sell art, I create a series. I will use the pages of my art journal to sketch out and plan the series and make note of any colours or ideas I want to try in this series. 


5. Techniques and experiments 

An art journal is a great place to record techniques and experiment with new materials. You can use your art journal inspo to log new techniques you have tried and to make note of what works and what doesn’t. It’s nice to use your art journal as a place to practice where it is okay to make mistakes. A sketchbook is a great place to learn and to practice trial and error. Not everything you create will be wonderful. That is part of the process! 

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