Art Competition London

My art is featured in an art competition London, Ontario at the Kellogg Factory. The art competition takes place at an art gallery London, Ontario at 100 Kellogg Lane. The Art Competition London selected 100 artists to include 100 artworks. The exhibition lasts for 100 days and ends on September 8, 2022. 

Voting closes for the Art Competition London on September 4, 2022. There are two $100 000 prizes one is for people’s choice where you can vote for your favourite artwork and the other is for juror’s choice where the jury will select their favourite artwork. 

map paper installation by Jackie Partridge

100 Kellogg Lane is a transformed space it used to be the old Kellogg Factory. Now it is a communal hub in London, Ontario that has a brewery, indoor climbing centre, art gallery, Starbucks, icecream, hairdressers and more! 

See the Art Competition London This Summer 2022

Click this link to see where different pieces are located: 

With each email address you have that counts as a vote! Please share this voting link with your friends and family to help me win! 

Vote here: 

How to Vote

You can vote by registering an account you need to add in your name and email and create a password. Follow the instructions of the password -it needs to be 12 characters, have an uppercase, a number and a special symbol like an !.

Once you receive an email you can click on the link and you will have to sign into the account you made. Next find my artwork “Precariously Perched.” Make sure to hit the vote button. It will say voted when you are done!

Thank you for voting!

What am I showing in the Art Competition London?

I am showing a piece called Precariously Perched. This piece is a large site-specific installation that features many twisted strands of map paper balancing on tiny pins that come out from the wall. The piece is about fragility and the passage of time. Some pieces of map paper rest on the ground with empty pins on the wall signaling the passage of time. You can read more about this project here.

Precariously Perched map paper installation by Jackie Partridge

Precariously Perched - Photo taken by Scott Lee

Make sure to Vote for the Art Competition London! 

You can vote for your favourite artwork here:

What would I do if I won the Art Competition London? 

It would be a great honour to have my art recognized. Often as an artist you are not paid properly and it’s hard to make a consistent income with your art alone. I would use some of that money to invest into my business so I could be an artist full time! I would use some money to buy a house and of course to make sure it has a studio. Lastly, I would use the money to produce more free content like YouTube videos on my painting channel and other free resources on my website! 5% of the money I would donate to help the environment. 

Precariously Perched, twisted maps on a pin by Jackie Partridge

Again, please share this voting link with your friends and family to help me win! 

Thank you for sharing the voting platform and for voting for my art in the Art Competition London for my work Precariously Perched. It really means a lot! 

Related Articles: 

Vote for my art in the competition here!

Check out 100 Kellogg Lane

See my other art installations

Learn more about Precariously Perched!


I am a part of the juried exhibition for emerging artist called Show.21 in Cambridge, Ontario. The exhibition runs from November 22, 2021 - February 13, 2022. Featuring work by Olivia Brouwer, Anahí González, Lupita Guerrero, Anne Hamilton, Brubey Hu, Abby Nowakowski, Jackie Partridge, Lauren Prousky, Brenda Mabel Reid, Racquel Rowe, and Ahmri Vandeborne.

Jackie Partridge, Precariously Perched, maps on pins, 2021, Photo Credit: Scott Lee

Established in 2005, Cambridge Art Galleries’ biannual exhibition SHOW presents the work of emerging artists based in Ontario. Selected from an open call of submissions, SHOW.21 presents the work of eleven artists with connections to Waterloo Region and surrounding areas.

Located at:

Idea Exchange

Queen's Square

1 North Square, Cambridge, ON

Jackie Partridge, Precariously Perched, maps on pins, 2021, Photo Credit: Scott Lee

Here is the digital exhibition brochure

You can see my video explaining the artwork in the exhibition below:

Related Articles: 

How to Get an Artist Grant

Precariously Perched

To learn more about upcoming exhibitions and events please join my mailing list by filling out the form below. 

You can also stay connected by following me on social media by clicking one of the icons below. 

Birds Adapted: for Flight or Fancy - Juried Exhibition 2019

For the fall,  I will be participating in a group art exhibition curated by Teresa Seaton at the Teresa Seaton Gallery in Burlington, Ontario. You can see the details of the exhibition as well as my art in the exhibition’s catalogue below. See artwork from myself - Jackie Partridge and other local artists

Birds Adapted: for Flight or Fancy is a juried exhibition I am a part of that is at the Teresa Seaton Gallery in Burlington, ON from Aug. 14-Oct. 26, 2019.

Here is a page about my installation Nestled that was a part of the group exhibition catalogue.

In this exhibition I am displaying my installation Nestled made from twisted map paper to resemble a nest or a home. I have exhibited Nestled before on the floor. This will be the first time exhibiting Nestled up high. I was excited to present the artwork this way because I think it will look more like a nest. This piece is very textured as strands of twisted map paper interweave together. What I like about this piece is that it can transform depending where it is installed. I can keep twisting map paper and add to the size of this artwork. I will have some pieces of map paper on the floor as well to invite viewers to look up. This installation is also related to the installation Precariously Perched where I have strands of twisted maps that balance on tiny pins and nails, resting in a fragile state against the wall. 

In my art practice, I love working with the same materials and reworking them to make new art installations. 

To learn more about this project you can take a look at it here!

To see current artwork - click here!

Juried Exhibition with Jackie Partridge

Here is a page about my installation Nestled that was a part of the group exhibition catalogue.

To check out my other artwork -click here!

Juried exhibition with Jackie Partridge. Artwork Nestled in the exhibition catalogue.

Follow me on social media by clicking one of the icons below to stay connected and learn about future art exhibitions and art news! If you see my art at exhibitions please use the hashtag #jackiepartridge so I can see it too.