How to Pair Art Together

Hanging art together on the wall can be tricky. But I want to show you how to pair art together so that the art looks like it belongs together on the wall. If art doesn’t go together it will look weird. You want art to pair well together. Learn how to pair art together below with my 5 tips! 

How to Pair Art Together

Here are 5 tips for how to pair art together so that the artwork looks great hanging on the wall! These tips are for hanging two pieces side by side as a diptych. For more ideas follow me on Pinterest and check out my framing and display board.

Pair Art Together with Colours 

Colour is one of the easiest ways to pair art together. You want both artwork that are hanging beside each other to have similar colours in them. For example, think of how the art is connected. If it is different art, maybe it has the same colour of navy blue in each painting. You want to make sure the colours go together. Neutral colours are grey, brown, black, white. Similar colours should look the same but may be slightly darker, lighter or brighter. 

Pair Art Together with Style 

The artwork should be in the same or similar style so that it makes sense as to why they are hanging side by side. For example, two black and white photographs, to colourful abstract paintings etc. If the styles are very different abstract and a realistic painting then they won’t go together. You might get away with different styles of art hanging near each other for a gallery wall because in that arrangement it is a group of multiple artwork not just two pieces. 

Pair Art Together with Size 

When you hang two pieces of art side by side they should be the same size of art so that they look even and balanced. You can choose to have a gap of 1-3 inches separating the art. 

Pair Art Together with Lines

Your artwork can connect with lines either obvious lines or non obvious. An obvious line would be a thick black paint stroke that starts on one painting and then comes across on the other painting. A non obvious line could be a horizon line on a landscape. Ideally the lines should match up to make the art look more connected! 

Pair Art Together with Frames

Lastly, if you are hanging art together as a diptych -two pieces side by side you want to make sure they are in the same frame so that they go together. Again, this doesn’t apply if you are hanging art on a gallery wall because that would be a collection of art 6 or more. You should be able to choose the same frame and matting because the art is of similar colours and styles that it will go with the same frame. If you need help framing your art check out this blog post about framing.

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